Saturday, January 28, 2006

"Yer right about that, Ronnie, hand us your knife..."

Currently in Earphones: Equilibrium Soundtrack by Klaus Badelt (finally!!!)

Took this from Anja's, because I figure I need another post.

[ ] I am shorter than 5'4.
[x] I think I'm ugly sometimes.
[x] I have many scars.
[x] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance. Well, kinda
[x] I've had braces.
[x] I wear glasses.
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100 safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[ ] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
[ ] I have more than 2 piercings.
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears.
[ ] I have freckles.

Family/Home Life

[ ] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[x] My biological parents are together.
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday. But give me my freedom for the next ten years at least!
[ ] I've had a child.
[ ] I've lost a child.


[x] I'm in school.
[ ] I have a job.
[ ] I've fallen asleep at work/school.
[ ] I always do my homework.
[x] I've missed a week or more of school.
[x] I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years. So much fluffy High School Honor Roll mentions made me feel that the Dean's Honor list was just as meaningless, until my parents found out.
[ ] I failed more than 1 class last year.
[ ] I've stolen something from my job.
[ ] I've been fired.


[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
[x] Disney movies still make me cry. Only if the word "Pixar" is mentioned. Those guys are geniuses!
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[x] I've snorted while laughing.
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[ ] I've glued my hand to something.
[x] I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose. Milk, of course
[ ] I've had my pants rip/drop in public


[x] I was born with a disease/impairment. Does Asthma count?
[x] I've gotten stitches.
[x] I've broken a bone. My wrist and my arm.
[x] I've had my tonsils removed.
[x] I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend. Does significant female other count?
[x] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I had a serious surgery.
[x]I've had chicken pox.


[ ] I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
[ ] I've been to Canada.
[ ] I've been to Mexico.
[ ] I've been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] I've been to Japan.
[ ] I've Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[x] I've been to Europe.
[ ] I've been to Africa.


[x] I've gotten lost in my city. Rouen goofed the heck outta me
[x] I've seen a shooting star.
[ ] I've wished on a shooting star.
[x] I've seen a meteor shower.
[x] I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
[ ] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[ ] I've kicked a guy where it hurts.
[ ] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving.
[ ] I've gone skinny dipping.
[ ] I've played spin the bottle.
[ ] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[ ] I've crashed a car.
[ ] I've been Skiing.
[x] I've been in a play.
[x] I've met someone in person from the internet.
[ ] I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
[ ] I've seen the Northern Lights.
[ ] I've sat on a roof top at night.
[ ] I've played chicken.
[x] I've played a prank on someone.
[x] I've ridden in a taxi.
[x] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] I've eaten Sushi.
[ ] I've been snowboarding.


[ ] I'm single
[x] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I'm a player, what can I say?
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[x] I've been the dumpee more than the dumper.
[x] I miss someone right now. My Anja
[x] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I've cheated in a relationship.
[ ] I've gotten divorced.
[x] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[x] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't. In retrospect. But even then, who knows?
[ ] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
[x] I've kept something from a past relationship.


[ ] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[ ] I've had a crush on a teacher.
[x] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I've kissed in the rain.
[ ] I've hugged a stranger.
[ ] I have kissed a stranger.


[x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't
[x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[ ] I've snuck out of my house.
[ ] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I've cheated while playing a game. I have the vague sense that I have, but can't remember specifics
[ ] I've cheated on a test.
[x] I've run a red light. ...on a bike
[ ] I've been suspended from school.
[x] I've witnessed a crime. A Police officer getting shot on the street where I live in my hometown, or at least, the aftermath.
[x] I've been in a fist fight. ...that lasted all of ten seconds
[ ] I've been arrested.
[ ] I've shoplifted.


[x] I've consumed alcohol. Wine or Champagne in polite company, and only a taste
[ ] I regularly drink.
[ ] I've passed out from drinking.
[ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[ ] I've smoked weed.
[ ] I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
[ ] I've eaten shrooms.
[ ] I've popped E.
[ ] I've inhaled Nitrous.
[ ] I've done hard drugs.
[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. Once, when I was a kid: they taste good, damnit! There wasn't any candy and I had a sweet tooth
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time, no problem.
[ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. Wouldn't be surprised.
[x] I shut others out when I'm depressed.
[ ] I take anti-depressants.
[ ] I'm anorexic or bulimic.
[ ] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
[ ] I've hurt myself on purpose.
[ ] I'm addicted to self harm.
[ ] I've woken up crying.

Death and Suicide

[ ] I'm afraid of dying.
[x] I hate funerals.
[x] I've seen someone dying.
[x] Someone close to me has attempted suicide. Yeah, that made my night...
[ ] Someone close to me has committed suicide.
[ ] I've planned my own suicide.
[ ] I've attempted suicide.
[ ] I've written a eulogy for myself.


[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I own iPod or MP3 player. Why use it when you have a perfect beauty of a laptop?
[ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[ ] I own multiple designer pants and shirts, costing over $100 a piece.
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic. They have some cool T-shirts, but ehhh....
[ ] I own something from Pac Sun.
[ ] I collect comic books. And Manga.
[ ] I own something from The Gap.
[ ] I own something I got on e-bay. Amazon, yes, eBay, no.
[ ] I own something from Abercrombie.


[x] I can sing well. I can carry a tune, which is more than most people
[ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[x] I open up to others easily. Depends on who they are
[x] I watch the news. In whatever form I can get it.
[x] I don't kill bugs. Awww, poor little fellahs!
[x] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
[ ] I curse regularly. People freak out when I do..."James, how could you?"
[x] I sing in the shower. And get standing ovations from my housemates. Boo-yah!
[x] I am a morning person. Depends on the day. Weekday, hell yes. Weekend, no way.
[x] I paid for my cell phone ring tone. My brick has a custom ring
[x] I'm a snob about grammar. Moreso than others.
[ ] I am a sports fanatic.
[ ] I twirl my hair
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I love being neat Half the time. When it suits me
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day. Does 10 gig worth of music from my Comp to my player count?
[x] I bake well. Cook well, yes. Baking too, I suppose.
[ ] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue.
[ ] I would wear pajamas to school.
[ ] I like Martha Stewart.
[x] I know how to shoot a gun. Well, had some practice with some Airsoft pistols.
[ ] I am in love with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. Ahh yes, for when presentation masks the fact that you have absolutely nothing to say.
[ ] I laugh at my own jokes.
[ ] I eat fast food weekly.
[x] I believe in ghosts. In my imagination, but not in reality.
[x] I am online 24/7, even as an away message. Most of the day, but not nights
[ ] I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I love white chocolate. Chocolate isn't white, it's black.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[x] I play video games. Now and then, used to quite a bit.
[x] I'm good at remembering faces. When I put my mind to it.
[x] I'm good at remembering names.
When I put my mind to it.
[x] I'm good at remembering dates.
When I put my mind to it.
[x] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. One step at a time, eh?

A more informative and better post coming up next.

Enough, More Later.
- James

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I am a Consumer Whore!

Currently in Earphones: "Stargate" soundtrack by David Arnold.

...And how! I just realized for the first time about a day ago how has me by the balls. Not only do they have endless recommendations based on what you buy and what you say you own, but in an unholy conjunction with and work to produce the most sinister of money holes to pull and tug at my wallet.

Case in point: I had just used my little bit of fun money I allot myself to buy a soundtrack and a book off of Amazon, and no sooner had I sold another portion of my soul to the great consumer gods than I stumble across a review of a soundtrack on Filmtracks that squees with joy over the greatness that is John Debney's score to Cutthroat Island. I make the mistake of listening to some sample clips and am likewise reduced to a quivering mass of overwhelmed fanboy as the best sounding swashbuckler music graces my ears for a tantalizing 30 seconds a pop. I must have this soundtrack. However, I did not snap it up, surprising myself with the sheer willpower of waiting for my next round of fun-cash to come to maturity.

Laugh if you want, but I was both elated and horrified at the pure, unadulterated want that ran through me. I'm glad I was able to weather that burst of consumerism and not blow the cash immediately, but it was honestly frightening to feel that. I mean, my cash flow for the time being isn't positive, or even a slowed negative. I suppose it could be worse: I could have more expensive hobbies, I could be extremely cash strapped, I could be a lesser man and give in to my whims more often. Still, I wish I didn't have to be frugal to the point of paranoia. Ahh well, this is life.

In other news, school is well. Communications 3 looks to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys: a topic that intrigues me and a kick-ass professor. Cultural Anthropology retains an intriguing topic, Latin 101 is a tad easier but with an odd prof, and Classics 30 is pure candy. Lots of reading to do, but nothing organized time can't handle.

Also, started an Internship with my old Anthropology prof. I'm organizing a huge set of field data on Titi monkeys done by a late Grad student. Well, so far this consists of taking written field notes and transferring them to a virtual map of the area, assigning coordinates to the fact that at 19:14:33 on 3/19/02 monkey A began calling at 20 m S of 10T:0153. Whee! With hope I shall be able to work with the 40 hours of footage for a change of pace after getting the hang of the data entry.

Baroque Ensemble is back in action, once I get the date of next performance I shall pepper it to all interested parties. Anja is also back in action with a better schedule, though now we have 3 cellos (herself included) which is an insanely large bass section in baroque terms.

Speaking of Anja, we went and saw a production of Metamorphoses, a contemporary play based on Ovid's collection of myths. I believe my parents saw it at the Berkeley Rep a few years back, but it was a very interesting play: You know its fun when the story of Phaethon is transliterated to "Dad, give me the keys to your car!"

Ahh, but now 'tis time for me to wax the poetic lover, probably much to the dismay of my more realist-minded housemates. My poor Anja has just had her wisdom teeth out and is kind of in-and-out of recuperation. She rallied enough to watch Sin City with me and the day afterward to go see the play, but alternately she just had to take the drugs and go sleep off the pain. I haven't gotten what I consider a good, full few hours with her yet, but I hope to get at least a little more before school starts again. Ahh, if only I could hold her in my arms for a night without break. Once again, I emphasize, not sexually, but merely sharing the sweet company of one another. My other housemates have the luxury of whiling away the night in pleasant repose with their loves, yet I cannot, for my love's family wishes a curfew that must be honored. It is so hard to leave my lady when she must finally go, were it not for my respect for her and her own I would sweep her back, bundle her up and fall asleep by her side. I long for her and miss her as I'm sure she misses me. Now I can only await her recovery and hope for better future days.

Enough. More Later,
- James

Monday, January 09, 2006


Currently in Earphones: "Loops of Fury" by The Chemical Brothers. "Song 2" by Blur.

Yes, I'm still alive. I shall update when my new quarters classes get into better swing and I have more to write about. You've not heard the last from me.

Enough. More later.
- James