Friday, April 27, 2007

Your Very Own Daemon! (W000t!!)

Currently in Earphones: "The Pipe on the Hob / The Hag at the Churn" by The Bothy Band.

So, the official website for The Golden Compass movie has included a new section about Daemons and, coolness of all coolnesses, a Daemon matcher in the form of a personality quiz. The neat part is that you can ask people to do a quick evaluation of the match you get, and thus alter the Daemon if things don't quite match up. Here's a little Widget (that I had to wrestle with, HTML powers for the win!) to fiddle with.

I've only got 12 days before it settles, so help me out! It'll be fun! Go and get a Daemon of your own!

Enough, More Later.
- James

Monday, April 23, 2007

Halfway out of the hole...

Currently in Earphones: The actually underwhelming score (punctuated by the now ubiquitous Lady of Soundtrack Sorrow) to The Passion of the Christ by John Debney

Gah! I hate being sick! I managed to make it to at least one of my classes today, but I still slept through the first two of them. Let's see how the rest of the week goes.

First off, some links for y'all...

Movies in 15 Minutes - Somewhat short and hilarious summaries of Current movies by the wonderful and talented Cleolinda Jones. I'd love to get her book (which encapsulates 10 older movies), but until then will be constantly amused by her renditions of 300, Troy, and V for Vendetta (Not to mention Phantom of the Opera).

VisualDNA - Because we need another site that charts your personality and matches you up with others, but this is more clever.

Secondly, I'm frikin' tired. Bed and I will update more when I'm not so bone-weary.

Enough, More Later.
- James

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sick as a Dog

Currently in Earphones: Early American Choral Music; Volume 2, by Various Artists.

So Sunday evening I went over to the other side of the house to play some rounds of Super Smash Brothers Melee with Bishop and Toes, but when I went back to my side, I started to feel that familiar tickle and ache in my throat that signaled and oncoming malady.

Over the next few days I was alternately completely laid out and unable to do anything, or just barely functioning enough to attend a class or two before crashing. It was particularly nasty because every other day I felt like I was on the verge of kicking it, but then I started to spiral down again the next day and had to cancel all my plans.

And of course, this weekend is the UCD Fencing Tourney, which I'm having to miss such that I might get better faster. I'm hoping to be able to be well enough to attend the team events Sunday, but I honestly don't know how I'm gonna feel when the time comes.

In other news, classes are going as well as can be expected. The Baroque Ensemble is going to have it's performance on the 29th, and I've got rehearsals for it Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week, so that should be fun. The upshot is that we're performing some pieces that feature the fantastic bass singer who joined the EME last year for the Rossi Oratorio (the bass that made Anja's Cello strings vibrate in sympathy when he sang). It looks to be neat, but we've got a lot of music to cover between now and then.

Other than that, everything is fine and dandy. My parents will be coming up to feed me chicken soup and get me more medicine, and I'm just gonna take it easy. I'm a little worried about the shindig that will be happening tonight, namely in the amount of people coming and how late it will go. We'll get to that when I comes, I suppose.

Enough, More Later.
- James

Sunday, April 15, 2007

On your feet, Sam!

Currently in Earphones: "Suite from X-2" from the X-Men 2 Soundtrack by John Ottman.

Out of the pit and back on my feet. You can stop sending me worried messages, I'm fine.

Enough, More Later.
- James

Friday, April 13, 2007

Going Down?

Currently in earphones: A Dance played on a reconstructed Cithara

Being depressed fucking sucks.

Enough, More Later.
- James