Saturday, March 04, 2006


Currently in Earphones: "Serenata" by Immediate Music

Yes, I'm still here. A few hectic weeks at school when I realized all my projects were coming up followed by being sick, followed by....I don't know, being lazy. As of now, need to finish up my 3rd part of my Anthro Paper, then work on my final project for Communications. Got my Latin paper to write, but that's not due for another two weeks.

Anja wants to come visit during spring break, makes me happy. We two are chugging along just fine, watching movies, hanging out and the like. Am also happy to note that she'll be here in Davis longer than I expected; she won't be bouncing off to Ireland after her trip to Germany with her family (in May?) because she's not going, just her dad. That means she'll probably be here for the rest of the school year. Makes me happy :).

That's all for now, pardon the simple syntax of my sentences, I just got up.

Enough. More Later.
- James

P.S. Whoa! I just realized that I missed the anniversary of my Blog! Cheers and the like for a year of scribing!