Sunday, January 17, 2010

Track Bits Blog!

Currently in Earphones: "Main Theme" by Mark Mancina, Bad Boys OST

Thanks to the generosity of Patrick, I now have a place to stick all of my files for Track Bits, and as such, I've started a new blog that's Track Bits centric, you can find it here...

Not much up there for the moment, but I'll be spending the next few days uploading all the previous episodes of Track Bits, which you can now listen to right off of the blog. No need to do any clumsy downloading off of MegaUpload!

So check back in to the new site over the next few days, and let me know what you think!

Enough, More Later.
- James

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Wii Arrival

Now playing: Hans Zimmer & The Jigs - Repo Man
via FoxyTunes

The Pros: A damn fun system, Zelda for leisure, Wii Fit for work and play, an HDTV to play it on.

The Cons: Muscle soreness from over-exertion on Wii Sports, Wii games being FREAKIN' EXPENSIVE (well, the good ones, anyway).

The Verdict: Don't expect too much from me for the next month or so :P

Enough, More Later.
- James

Sunday, January 03, 2010


Currently in Earphones: "Outlander" soundtrack by Geoff Zanelli

Sorry about the lack of posts over the holidays, general busyness among other things kept me away from the blog.

On the audio front, I bought a new mic stand and boom extension, which is vastly superior to my little desk stand in that I don't need to re-configure my desk and chair for comfortable recording use. It got me started on the idea of AudioBlogging, and I've got a couple of rambly and a couple of more scripted pieces done, but the only problem is hosting the audio. Blogger doesn't have the capacity to host files, so I did some research into it and did some basic stuff at DreamHost, but have been turned off by the complexity of hosting my own site (and the money involved), so it's all currently in limbo. I'll make another stab at figuring out this hosting business later on (it would also make posting Track Bits easier), but for the moment it's on standby.

That also meant that I haven't been working on any new Track Bits, so that's also on hold for the time being. I have half a script finished for one, but it's not shaping up as interesting as I'd like it to be. I did get some good feedback from Patrick/Preston et al., so I may try some other topics. Getting feedback is great for me, as I've said before, since I'm so close to the material that what may be glaringly obvious to me may be informative and interesting to others. Everytime I hear back from folks I get new ideas for future episodes, so keep them coming!

My sister suggested to my mom and dad that we get a Wii, as it would be fun for the whole family, but I was a little skeptical at first. It wasn't until I played a few hours of the new Super Mario Brothers after New Years that my opinion was firmly solidified. I think it'd be an awesome idea, with the basic Wii sports being appealing to my folks and the more hardcore titles for my sister and I. Need to chat with the folks about division of the cost, though.

Anyway, I'm currently still recovering from New Years and Patrick and Zach's Photo Rally Pi, so that's all for now.

Enough, More Later.
- James