Wednesday, August 17, 2005

If there were reason for these miseries.....

Currently in earphones: Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 6 (Pathetique)

::semi-hopeful opening::

::gushing review of soundtrack::

::mediocre anecdote::

::thinly-veiled admission of Single-tude::

::Pause for literary bitch-slap by a certain Epeeist::


::spiral into madness::

Enough, More Later.
- James

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like the phrase Literary Bitch-Slap, I prefer the term 'Going-upside-your-head-through-a-written-medium'.

And seriously, life is life, it comes and goes, gotta wade through the shit to find the roses (no seriously, shit makes great fertilizer), so buck up and one more thing; don't take everything I say by the letter.