Sunday, December 18, 2005

Back to Lethargy

Currently in Earphones: "Nil Se'n La" and "Dulaman" by Clannad, selected songs from Soundtracks too numerous to mention.

And another Quarter done, and I find myself back in the comparitive quiet of my home town.

Finals passed rather unceremoniously, the tests themselves were a lot easier than I expected. Basically said to my Comp. Lit. final after I was finished with it "Now make me a sammitch, Biyotch!" only to be hit from behind with a cruddy grade on my second paper. Linguistics passed without much note, and I was immensely relieved to see that all the passages on our Latin final were ones I was well acquainted with, then consequently pwned it. All in all, I feel I did well, we'll see if the final grades support my hypothesis.

Had a fantastic gift exchange with the housemates last night: received a great scarf from Preston, the "Backdraft" soundtrack from Toes, and a gift certificate for from Tim and Melissa. Toes did his usual burst of brilliance in getting for Bishop/The House a set of four carbine-like, cock-action Nerf Dart guns, and we had an awesome firefight as soon as we ripped the weapons from their packages. I hope we have many epic battles to come with those babies. The only downside to the great fun had by all was the lateness to which it dragged, and my subsequent insomnia, of which I'm going to pay dearly for later tonight after getting up so early in the morning. That's one night I won't soon forget.

Finals week gave ample time to see my Anja, and I spent many an hour blissfully in her arms. Though she has this week off of work, depending on how her chores shape up, she may or may not be able to visit the Bay. I'd dearly love for her to, as I dearly love to see her whenever she and I are able, but should other things take precedence, it shall shape up as it does. Until I see her next, I have only the sweet memory of her warm grin and smiling eyes to keep me company, but it is enough, along with her words. My heart is hers.

Enough. More later.
- James


Anonymous said...

dude, sorry i haven't been keeping up with your life. but man ... you write the best blog entries.

you are awesome.


Fidus Aelius said...

The great Maria!!! Glad to hear from you! And once again glad to hear that I have some writing skill.

BTW, your drawing skill is teh awesomness.

Anonymous said...

sooo you guys got nerf guns for the house... what a cop out

they're not airsoft, but it will give me a chance to shoot you at some point


Fidus Aelius said...

Well, we do have an airsoft pistol, but it belongs to the only non-fencer among us. Bring it on!