Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Rally Cometh!

Currently in Earphones: "Wandering" by Tim O'Brien

It's official! Toes and I have gotten our acts together and the first Davis Photo Rally will commence on December 1st of this year. Here is the janky website I threw together solely to host the better constructed and thought out leaflets.

I've already created a Facebook group and sent out the invites, but if any of you all are interested, please don't hesitate to call me or Toes. Though it's gonna be somewhat close to finals for the Davis folk, I hope it'll allow sufficient time for studying. Besides, it's only the one day. I have hope that we can get at least 3 if not 4 teams going, which should be enough, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised by more. It's a whole month and then some away, so that should be enough time for all the maybes to figure things out.

In other news, things go well with Lovely Weird Girl. We talked for almost an hour on the phone tonight, and that makes me happy. I'm very much looking forward to seeing her at Cal Poly next month, and hope that we can visit each other at some point over Christmas break. At the moment, life is good :).

Enough, More Later.
- James

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