Saturday, January 05, 2008

Belated Happy New Year and all that Jazz....

Currently in Earphones: American and British Folk Songs sung by the Westminster Choir

So winter break is drawing to a close, and what a break it was! The events in no particular order...

- I started to gather supplies to create a few bookshelves for my room in the Bay, and I'm currently waiting for the weather to dry out before I actually put them together.

- My lovely girlfriend came up to visit and we spent a number of days sightseeing.

- Christmas saw a good amount of loot. Damn I got a lot of CD's!

- I went and saw Walking with Dinosaurs: The Live Experience. My inner six year old was rejuvenated.

- My last grandparent died and my dad flew across the country to be with my aunt. The small glimmer of fun was that I helped him pick out a traveling laptop. That's life for you, I guess.

- I got a lovely pile of new books to read for pleasure, and more are on the way. This will come in handy because...

- I learn that the power is out in Davis due to these crazy storms we've been having. I'm actually somewhat titillated at the thought of using candles, but I bet it'll get old quick. At least it'll only be for a few days.

- I have gotten crazy hooked on The Wire. BEST DAMN SHOW EVER.

Yeah, that about covers it. Back to Davis and dear Academia soon.

Enough, More Later.
- James

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