Thursday, August 07, 2008

I'm a lazy bum, sort of

Now playing: Jerry Goldsmith - The Fire Dragon (I seem to harbor an inordinate amount of affection for this song, i.e. it frickin' roXXors)
via FoxyTunes

Sometimes when I think of updating my blog, "I should post some pictures...oh wait, I have no way to host them, come to think of it, no way to take them. I really should get a digi-cam, they must be pretty damn affordable by now!" Of course, it's not terribly high on my list, but I always fantasize about how I can improve my picture taking abilities had I had one. You mean I actually have to think ahead about how I want to spend my fun money? Scandalous!

To the point, I re-organized my room. My desire for more shelf space finally took hold in my brain and wouldn't let go, so I dredged up my old Logistics Crew skills and played furniture tetris with my living area. I'd forgotten how little floorspace I have in my room, and that lead to some old problems of re-arranging the essentials: when you only have two walls to shove things up against, things get pretty limited. As much as I like my bay window, there's really very little you can put up to it. As it's designed to give a nice view, anything in front of it kind of defeats the whole "seeing things" business. And then the closet takes up the opposite wall, so it's either more space or losing access to clean clothes.

In the end, I finally decided that I could deal with limited access to the closet. I lined up my loft bed (on risers) the long way in front of the closet, which now limits how easily I can get my clothing, and makes trying to get stuff out of the top shelf somewhat ridiculous (ehh, I don't wear ties every day anyway). On the flip side, I now can easily access the shelf area above, and accordingly my nifty extra bookshelves. I stacked my two DVD shelves and moved them, so now I have more wall space, and you can guarentee that there'll be a new bookshelf in there soon. The final boon is that my desk can now take an un-obtrusive center at the bay windows, giving me a wonderful view of our backyard and my hummer feeder. There is still much to do!

I will give a shout out to ol' Tim Jue, who I saw and caught up with today at A.G. Ferrari's on College. I long for more KNSL shenanigans, and hope we'll both have time to indulge in our little creative diversions.

Anywho, it's late, I'm tired, yadda yadda.

Enough, More Later.
- James

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