Sunday, September 14, 2008

Not Brothers for Nothing

Now playing: James Newton Howard - Deacon's Speech
via FoxyTunes

Mainly I just wanted to post this to show off a nifty image capture program I found online (and will probably buy), but I've recently been going through the Granada TV Sherlock series and have taken a liking to Mycroft. Pictured above is the man himself (left, portrayed by Charles Grey) and Sherlock (right, the wonderful Jeremy Brett). The liner notes of the box set I got for my birthday lament the fact that Conan-Doyle used Mycroft sparingly, a sentiment I share wholeheartedly. I suppose the main reason like the character is that he's a creature of habit, something I can relate with, as well as being rather lazy. What I really like is how he's a foil for Sherlock, the latter being full of nervous energy and craving constant stimulation, and the former sedentary and prone to napping frequently. Despite these differences, they're both intellectual equals (though as the article says, Mycroft might exceed Holmes in this department, the one trait I don't claim similarity with).

I think what makes these characters continue on is how this character dichotomy can be found in a great number of relationships, be they familial, friendly, or otherwise. I definitely know a pair of brothers who have Sherlock/Mycroft qualities (and have oft imagined myself as the more awkward, but competent Watson following close on their heels). And like Conan-Doyle, I've definitely spent more time with the Sherlock than with the Mycroft, but have enjoyed both their companies immensely. Such immediate applicability seems to lend to their longevity as characters, as well as their appeal.

Anyway, I've run out of insights (or brain droppings, take your pick), and I want to go play with this new program more. Expect to see more pictures accompanying posts in the future.

Enough, More Later.
- James

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