Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Foo+Bar = ...Well? Whaddya think?
Night before classes, and everyone's doing something, 'cept me. Yeeesh.
Had a grand ol' time in the City. Toes and I went all over the place. He's now all official with his own knickers, jacket and glove and should cut a fine figure, if not perfect fencing, at the salle. Broke down at Virgin and bought a copy of the newest "The Count of Monte Cristo" (Go William Hobbs!) and the later Concerti Grossi of Corelli. For some odd reason, they switched the sections around again and, by some twist of fate, stuck the Porno/Gay/Lesbian DVDs where the Soundtracks used to be. "I wonder if they have the new...OH DEAR CHRIST!"
Came back to Davis without a hitch, though managed to once again forget a few things. Nothing a quick pop in the post can't fix though, I'm not worried.
Practiced some Frisbee-ing about with my other dorm buddies, hopefully we'll be good enough for ultimate Frisbee IM's when they roll around. All I know is I like tossin' the old disc around. Hopefully we'll get one of those lighted ones so we can continue practicing on into the night when we have the time.
Wish I could talk to My Lady a bit more, last time I chatted she was in a right old funk after an altercation with her family. Yeah, I kinda figured "fight" even though she said "discussion" (ahh, how revealing blogs are...I like monkeys....I was a Martian in my past life.....Wait, are you still reading this?) I was hoping to maybe see her in the flesh (sick minds turn off now), but, like most of my on-the-fly decisions, it fell through when I waited too long and saw that she was off watching movies. Damn.
Ahh well, there's always this weekend.
One more trip 'round the dorm to see what others are doing, and if nothing, holing up with the ol' Lappy to watch a movie by my lonesome. Feh.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Monday, March 28, 2005
Mreeeeeeeh, Again, for the lack of a better title...
Au-contraire! I miss ya, but what am I supposed to do, be all like "I miss my sister very much," all day and hang pics of you in my dorm room? Yeeesh, I miss ya and love ya sis, but I'm nowhere near worshipping your butt. People already think I'm weird enough as it is without me having an overt attachment to my family, love them tho I do. Remember Foamy's Bitch-hermit! :)
::end sibling talk::
In other news, I'm gonna have to drag myself outta bed early tomorrow, but it should be worth it. More on that later.
My Lady is online! Yes! let the chattage ensue!
::end insanely short post::
Enough. More Later.
- James
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Spring Break, and How Soggy it is.
Update, I've now given the settings to this site a boot to the head and allowed anyone to post comments. Fire Away, all!
Don't know how much time everyone is spending blogging or not, haven't seen anything recent lately of some fellow online journals.
Spent some time on Friday over at the cemetery in Piedmont. Nice, quiet place for a walk, got some great views and interesting tombstones. It's a good place to gather one's thoughts, to reflect, and to be at peace. I suppose my view will change once someone close dies, but until then (if ever), cemeteries remain nice places to visit. Nice weather that day.
Took a trip to SF on Sat., and gonna head back there Tues. with Toes (yes, definitely!). I was hoping to take care of the Club business at AFS on Sat., but we got there just after they closed, damn their early weekend hours! Ahh well, Toes and I will storm the place just when they open will be sure to loot them for all their worth. Extra knickers, anyone? :) (I detest smilies, but I figure if I want to erase any suspicion that I actually WILL rob the fencing store, I should be sure to be clear that it was a joke, no matter how graphically smarmy) Got my second extended exercise with a jaunt around Golden Gate park, the Central Park of SF. Great place for anyone who hasn't been there: Green, fully wooded with Californian Redwoods and Eucalyptus, and is a prime place for walks and biking trips.
On an interesting point, my parents and I were driving up Market (the main drag downtown) and found a place we thought to be a Cafe simply called "Yum." Upon entering, we found it a store chock full of interesting foodage. They had a freezer full of old-school sodas, RC Cola and the like. I picked up a bottle of "Moxie," which tasted as arcane as it's wrapper showed to be. Had an initial fresh, sweet taste. Then kinda lingered on the tongue and resolved into a somewhat bitter after-taste when swallowed. I'll bring the bottle back to Davis as proof of this "Elixer," interesting stuff.
Had an old buddy of mine over today, blew the dust of the PS2 and had myself a hand at the new Prince of Persia and Devil May Cry games. Awesome stuff. Ate an entire chocolate rabbit and some See's Chocolate butter eggs. Rather regretted it afterward. Started to get rather soggy around the afternoon, but luckily got a good walk up to Lake Chabot with my Dad early.
All that remains of today is finishing this post, waiting to see if My Lady calls me back, and contemplating an instrument practice. Two of these will be completed, no doubt, yet a third remains to be seen; funny how it is the one I most want to happen. You, dear reader, I am sure can tell which.
Before signing off, a little something I found a link to in someone else's profile a while back. What would you be like as a cocktail? My results...
Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of sadness
Arg! This Blog doesn't like Tables! This was originally presented in a pretty table, but evidently this site doesn't recognize table HTML. Man, don't make me use Xanga, stupid! However, I find this recipe is truthful, I find.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Home again, Home again.
My Wireless now works! Let there be much rejoicing! The old adage that "It doesn't work well if not turned on" proved to be the case: the receiver radio in my wireless card was disabled. Major DO'H-AGE on my part.
Back Home again, it always takes me another trip back to realize just how little there is to do yet how many people to see. Took a visit back to the ol' High School and said hi to some old friends and teachers.
Good old Mr. Del Rosariao! "I'm not supposed to BEEE HEEEEERE! FRESH FISH! FRESH FISH!!!" ::silence:: Ahhhh, good times, good times. Since the trip to the city with Toes has been relocated to Monday, I think I'll stop by tomorrow morning and have a chat during his free period. That is, if I wake up in time. Fun stuff.
I was immediately drawn to seeing a production put on by the newly created Drama Club by a favorite teacher of mine at the HS. In addition to seeing some other good friends (Read; Kelley and Dexter Stevens, Ali Aquilanti, Thomas Akagi and Good Sir Gerald), the performance was smashing. Bravo! That profit was well earned.
Ahh, M'Lady. I'll be sure to phone you at some point over the break (I'm thinkin' sometime Sunday or so, though I might have junk to do, I'll squeeze it in somewhere). Don't worry about jealousy, we'll just need to spend more time together ::wink::. My sis is getting annoyed that I can't seem to stop talking about you. Ahh, L'amour.
Unfortunately, dear readers, I seem to have lost a bit in terms of writing material. Fear not, I'll soon be fitting my school life back into eloquent prose after the break. Just don't expect too much from the updates until schools back in session again.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Break time, Baby!
It is now 9:15 pm, weds. The 23rd of March, 2005 CE: My family has now gone to bed. That is all.
I want this damn wireless to work so I don't have to be shackled to the router out in the office back here at home. Damn fidgety technology! You were working before I came to Davis!
On another note, (faithful, I urge you to skip this, for my safety and ensured survival), I am absolutely loving Sam Harris' "The End of Faith." While at times it wields logic like a deadly scalpel, cutting rather close to what some would feel comfortable, it really does make you think about just how negative Faith is. A sample...
"The danger of religious faith is that it allows otherwise normal human beings to reap the fruits of madness and consider them holy. Because each new generation of children is taught that religious propositions need not be justified in a way that all others must, civilization is still besieged by the armies of the preposterous. We are, even now, killing ourselves over ancient literature. Who could have thought something so tragically absurd could be possible?"
- Sam Harris
Doesn't it make quite scary sense? WTF is up with all this religious killing? Like in the crusades, swords would be engraved with "Cast in the name of God, Ye not Guilty" upon them, giving corrupt "moral" justification for the slaughter of hundreds of innocents. Why hasn't anyone ever confronted this head on? I mean, it's one thing to look back and go, "Wow, that was really, really bad. People should never have done it...." Yet quite another to continue to see it going on TO THIS DAY and not seriously re-examine it with a "Whoa, hold the phone! Some serious consideration of the who, what, when, why stuff could be really useful right about now!" How blind we are (And Kierkagaard only gets points for a cool-ass name, but other than that can kiss my ass): this absurdity must be addressed.
(End rant, faithful may take off the blindfolds)
Wow, I'm going to have a break full of a lotta nuthin'. The only stuff goin on is a visit to me old High School to say hello to some buddies and old teachers, and then a trip to the city for some Fencing equipment and hopefully some time with Toes. It's one thing to have a home to come back to, but when you have nothin' much to do there (and no wheels, which I shall remedy over the summer), it's something quite different. Gotta start makin' plans now!
Enough. More Later.
- James
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
A Quick Post before bed.
Latin final tomorrow. Bona Fortuna Volete!
Figured I'd get the last of the brain-snot out before hitting the sack. You know, that junk that bounces around in your head you kinda need to blow out before settling down for the night.
WOO-HAH! Finally got the Rob Roy soundtrack, good stuff! I'll review it in a later post, it's getting rather late on this end.
Spent at least a total 5 hours total studying for this damn final, I'd better do well! (Also helped Carla write a better essay for a scholarship re-apply, that was kinda fun! Maybe I will be an English/Language/Linguistics major after all...)
I've read My Lady's latest post. Damn, she sure lets loose on her pa for being rather controlling. I'll reserve judgment on this end until I meet him (if ever) myself. I was hoping I'd get to at least talk with her (or, ::gasp:: maybe even see her? In my dreams, perhaps...) over the break, but her itinerary looks rather packed. ::Sigh:: perhaps afterwards then. Hmmm, there is another she holds in high camaraderie, it would seem, judging by her recent posts: a "Bret" she'll be meeting again for a time over the break. Now, I fully understand close friends of the opposite sex, those you confide in and laugh with and know well, but damned if I didn't feel jealous of this darn guy! YARK, what an interesting feeling. On one end, I'm like "YES! This means my feelings are deepening for her! This is good!" and the other, cro-magnon, side "MYARG, stupid other person she is seeing! HULK SEETHE WITH GRUMPYNESS!!! Me want time with her too...."
Gads, it's 11:20 pm, and I've gotta be up fairly early tomorrow. Sleep time, Stat!
Enough. More Later.
- James
Monday, March 21, 2005
Almost Done....
Had a great time bowling with the fencers and My Lady. Rats, was the only one not to get a strike. Ahh well, I got to spend another four hours of bliss with My Lady afterward, snuggled up under a large blanket and watching thunderheads pass by. Didn't get to bed until 3 am, but it was well worth it.
Sold a bunch of my textbooks over at the bookstore just off campus on third and university. Didn't particularly care how much money I got for them, but was able to get a CD and DVD over at Borders afterward. Criterion put out a few more old Samurai films in the past month, and I picked up "The Sword of Doom" (awesome movie, I'm gonna make the fencers watch it, along with "The Duellists" and "Rob Roy" when I get the chance) along with a recording of Pergolesi's "Stabat Mater" on My Lady's recommendation. Good purchases all.
I'm starting to catch a cold. Just restocked Rudy with another box of tissues. Hope I can make it past the finals. I don't know how the heck I got this, but all I know is that I need to keep on the down low.
I found this link on My Lady's blog, and of course, had to try it.

Take the quiz at
"You are the large, round, friendly d20! (You probably didn't know this, but the shape of the twenty-sided die is called an Icosahedron.) You are the friendly, outgoing, outspoken, leader of friends. You are often looked up to, even though you don't normally deserve it. Most other types secretly wish they were you, and you'd give them tips on how, if only you had a clue yourself. Your charisma is often all you need, but you have your occasional moments of brilliance as well--just never when it's actually needed. You are the all-around good guy, a dependable chum, a respectable foe, and an inspiration to those who need one. Who says you can't get by on a smile and good looks alone?"
Lastly, and for those that haven't heard of "Boot to the Head," you must! Evidently a product of Dr. Demento (though the ID3 tags mentioned the performers to be "The Frantics") so far I have heard two hilarious audio sketches featuring the above. I'll transcibe one for ya...
"Tae Kwon Leep"
Master: "Approach, students. Close the circle at the feet of the master. You have come to me asking that I be your guide along the path...of Tae Kwon Leep. warned. To learn its ways, you must learn the ways of your own soul. Let us meditate on this wisdom"
::begins "Ohm" chant::
Ed: "Uh...sir?"
::snaps fingers::
::sounds of students being shoved out of the way::
Master: "Who disturbs our meditation, like the pebble disturbs the stillness of the pond?"
Ed: "Me...Ed Gruberman?"
Master: "Ed....Goobermehn?"
Ed: " disrespect or nuthin', long is this gonna take?"
Master: "Tae Kwon Leep is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon."
Ed: " And hour or so?"
Master: ", we have not even begun upon the path. Ed Goobermehn, you must learn patience."
Ed: "Yeah yeah patience. How long will that take?"
Master: "Time has no meaning. To a true student, a year is as a day."
Ed (interrupting): "A YEAR? I wanna beat people up right now! I got the pajamas! HAH YOOO HAH HOUMMM!"
Master: "Beat people up?"
Ed: "Yeah! Just show me all those nifty moves so I can start trashing bozos! That's all I came here for. YOOOO-HAH TAH TAH TAH!!! Pretty good, eh?"
Master (interrupting at last "TAH"): "The only use of Tae Kwon self defense. Do you know who said that? Ki Lo Ni, the great teacher."
Ed: "Yeah? Well the best defense is a good oh-fense! Ya know who said that? Mel, the cook on Alice. "
Master: "Well...uhhmm...Tae Kwon Leep is the wine of purity, not the vinegar of hostility. Meditate upon this truth with us."
::begins "Ohm" chant again::
Ed: "Listen shrimp! Now are you gonna show me some fancy moves, or am I gonna start wipin' the walls with you?"
Master: "Ed Groobermehn, you've failed to grasp Tae Kwon Leep. Approach me that you might see."
Ed: "Allright! Finally some action!"
Master: "Observe closely, class."
::quick beat::
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::swish! WHAP!::
Ed: "OWWW! You booted me in the HEAD!!!"
Master: "You are lucky, Ed Groobermehn, few novices experience so much of Tae Kwon Leep so soon."
Ed: "Owww!"
Master: "Let us continue."
Ed: "HEY! Hey, I wasn't ready! Come and get me now, shorty! Hanh? C'mon! Are ya chicken?"
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::swish! WHAP!::
Ed: "Owwwww...OK, now I'm ready! Ok, now! Try it now!"
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::swish! WHAP!::
Ed: "Mind if I just lie down here for a minute?"
Master: "Now class, we shall return to our--"
Student 1 (on "return"): "Master?"
Master: "It is wrong to tip the vessel of knowledge, student!"
Student 1: "Many apologies, Master. But I feel Ed Groobermehn is not wholly wrong."
Master: "What do you mean?"
Student 1: "I want to boot some head, too."
Master: "Have you learned nothing from the lesson of Ed Groobermehn?"
Student 1: "Yes, Master. I have learned two things: First, that anger is a weapon only to ones opponent..."
Master: "Very good."
Student 1: "...and secondly, get in the first shot...Boot to the head!"
Master: "You missed!"
Student 1: "Ai-ahh! Well--"
Master: "You too shall be honored--"
Student 1: "No, I can wait!"
Master: "--to learn a lesson--"
Student 1: "You don't have to, you know!"
Master: "--novice!--"
Student 1: "I gotta be going!"
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::whoosh! WHAP!!::
Student 1: "OYIRK!! ARRRR...ohhhhhh...."
Master: "Can anyone tell us what lesson has been learned here?"
Student 2: "Uh...yes, Master. Not a single one of us could defeat you."
Master: "You gain wisdom, child."
Student 2: "So we'll have to gang up on you! GET HIM GUYS!!!"
Master: "Boot to the head! Boot!"
::many cries from the students, "Hut! Hyut! Hut!"s from the master, whooshing, whapping, and chaos::
::settles down with much groaning::
Master: "And now class, let us rejoin the mind to the body, and gaze into the heart of the candle in meditation."
::Master "Ohm"s, and the students groaning segues into a collective "Ohm"::
Enough. More Later.
- James
Friday, March 18, 2005
Studying? What's that?
Herein is a chronicle of the days events.
Missed breakfast again. In addition to the delicious extra hours of sleep attained by sleeping in, I'm also preserving my rapidly dwindling meals in order to last me to the 23rd (got 8 left!). After kicking around for a few hours, I find both Brian and Joe ogling some of the new Super Soaker lines ('ol Laramie no longer has the right to those water-arms of our days gone by, but Hasbro has done a good job of keeping up with the innovation that made our childish minds giddy with water soaked glee in the past), and they presently resolved to get their hands on some. Feeling adventurous, I decide to join them, and we soon find a Yolobus line (that we can ride for free, being students) that drops us right in front of the Wal-Mart in Vacaville.
We have a grand old time playing Ghost and 20 questions on our way over (Ms. Becky Smith also joined us), but most unfortunately we realized that the bus we were on happened to also be the last one leaving from Vacaville to Davis, so we stay on and slingshot right back to the UC, rather disappointed.
After eating a quick dinner at the DC (and watching Brian, on an insomnia kick, make it past being up for 24 hours), Becky calls her older Bro and secures some wheels. We, as with the trip to Vacaville, decide on a whim to head over to Arden Mall in Sacto, which is an interesting idea in itself, given that we only have a vague idea of how to get there. To be brief, we end up making it. The group first looks around the nearest Toys'R'Us for Super Soakers, and wind up empty handed. We cruise through the mall until it closes at 9 (far too early, as the consensus is, it being Friday night), go hang out at Barns and Noble (I pick up a copy of Sam Harris' "The End of Faith" and what at first appears to be an unabridged version of "The Count of Monte Cristo," I'd forgotten that some abridged versions are also 2.75 inches thick) and then go grab some food at a nearby Jack in the Box.
Total hours of studying, 0. Total hours of fond memories I'll not soon forget, 8. In a philosophical sense, this is good. Since I've got a few days to study, I'm not worried about the opposite, academic end either.
In other news, I got two of the three soundtracks I'd ordered through Amazon. I wanted to wait to review these until I'd gotten the third, but it looks like I'm gonna need the update for my readers, so here goes the reviews...
Predator 2:
Ahhh, Silvestri. Well perhaps not as easily identifiable as Williams or Elfman, he does have his own little signatures. So far I have only heard his scores for The Abyss and Van Helsing, each nicely done in their own respects: Abyss with sweeping and haunting Choral cues and Van Helsing alternating with throbbing action and lyrical tracks. Predator 2, somewhat like The Abyss, seems centered around 2 or 3 main themes and their alterations.
The First Predator Score sounded at first sounded of the Military-Music variety; the main theme with a pulsing drumbeat and frowning horn solo. As the mood of the movie changed, it then segued into the "::gasp:: Its an Alien!" variety of tracks, somewhat forgettable, but still easily recognizable.
It seemed that afterward, a friend said "Hey, Alan! Loved that score for Predator! But dont ya think, given the nature of the Predator, you might use Tribal Drums next time?" BOOM, off he went and seemingly based the entire soundtrack of Predator 2 off of that idea: pretty much every alternating cue going back to Variation A, B, or C of the main Horn theme includes frantic drums mamba-ing in the background.
Not that I mind this, I think its damn cool, especially track 6 Rest in Pieces. Its a nice break from "Run away from the scary Alien!" type, initially a nod to Aaron Copeland with a variation on Fanfare for the Common Man. But then when your least expecting it, WHAM!!! The Orchestra stings the surprise as the main character suddenly realizes hes not alone.
Overall, its good stuff. Despite the rather overused drumming going on 24/7, its a neat piece of work and fun to listen to.
The Time Machine:
Its chock full with yummy orchestral goodness (non of that techno crap!), alternating from sweet lyrical cues (Try Track 1 Professor Alexander Hartdegen), sweeping choral pieces (Track 8 Eloi) and some neat action pieces (My favorite track so far, aside from 1, Track 11 Morlocks Attack). While they may not blow you away, this is damn good stuff for being Badelts first Major Motion picture score.
Get a copy now! Theres something for everyone on here!
Saturday is coming! I get to be with the fencers AND My Lady! SCORE!!!!Enough. More Later.
- James
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Finals/Projects Imprisonment, Day 3 (Updated)
At last, the worst is over. I've survived in better condition than I thought from this morning's Drama travails; bent but not broken. From then on out it was merely going through the usual motions of "Lahh-ten" and "Hyoo-man-at-ease" (strange, foreign names my captures use for the exercise and re-education done daily to all prisoners). The final test of the "Lahh-ten" will no doubt have it's own difficulties, but I have plenty of time and help to figure it out. A few of my fellow inmates are organizing "Knowledge Parties" to help strengthen what we know of these odd tortures, and I am in high spirits that we can collectively help ourselves.
Oddly enough, our taskmaster for "Hyoo-man-at-ease" gave us a time frame when we may choose our final test, and while that choice (along with the torture itself) isn't too challenging, I have a feeling there is some sardonic humor in letting us choose our own pain.
Ahh, but what really keeps my spirits up: our captors are actually releasing us from duty for a few days before the final test takes place. I shall be able to, hopefully, see My Lady again. A night in her arms would lift so much off these hunched shoulders. I am delighted with the possibilities.
Soon it shall be over, and the memory of painful imprisonment thrown to the four winds as I am once again with my Beloved.
I feel my soul recovering even now.
::end play acting::
Meanwhile, back in reality....
Drama Final went off without too much trouble. I felt annoyed that I couldn't remember enough info to really round out the "ID" section of the final, though I was glad I remembered what I did. Latin and Humanities then passed without too much trouble. I was happy to find out that the prompt for my take home essay-final for Humanities is relatively simple.
Heh, I was reminded that others actually have finals on the days I have between now and the Latin final. When organizing with Robert, Carla and Andrea for when to study I found that we could only study together after this week is over, given that everyone else has finals between now and then. I feel rather lucky in that sense, I'm gonna have a buncha days to rest and relax and study before the big push. With that said, I hope there will be some time between now and then to see My Lady again. I think another night of looking at the stars in the arms of my Beloved would do me well, especially with a blanket so we don't freeze to death!
Rosa rubicundior, lilio candidior, omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior!
Enough. More Later.
- James
UPDATE: UCD Novice Fencing Tourney
Well, we just got how hard it was to run a fencing tourney. What normally happens are the Pools, where everyone is grouped into sections of 5 or so people and everyone in the group fences each other. Then, everyone is tallied on a solo basis of points/victories and ranked among all the fencers. Then there are usually rounds of Direct Eliminations, pitting the Highest against the lowest (working your way to the middle of the list) and kicking out each person who loses the bout. Last fencer standing wins.
Well, we had only 13 Novices, which equaled two pools of 6 and 7. It took us 2 HOURS to get thought JUST THE POOLS, and by then, we were getting nasty looks from the ARC people as we had exceeded our allotted time in the pavilion. Un/Luckily we were then placed based on individual points/victories, and I placed 4th. Now that might seem good, but considering we had 2 people tied for 3rd, that means I would have been 5th. It's the best I've done so far in any tourney, but man: A good amount of the Davis noobs are pushovers. I hate to say it, but they are. What saved me was that I blitzed through my last rounds of Pools because I was up against less aggressive and less technically efficient fencers (winning them, obviously).
I didn't feel disgusted as I felt bad. A few of them had never fenced in a tourney before and were new to the strip and the rules. I suppose I would have felt better if we had time to go on with the DE's, seen that I ranked well, and then did what I could and gracefully left. I mean, it's nice to be ahead and in such an honorable spot. But there's this strange taste in my mouth that still doesn't feel like true, personal, victory. Meh.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Monday, March 14, 2005
Finals/Projects Imprisonment, Day 2
Though I'm surviving the punishment thrown at me, I can feel my spirit being leeched away. The torture of the Voice Leading, Chord Progression, and Modulation has passed, thank god. I was made of tougher stuff then they thought, namely because I had done my homework on the subject. Knowledge is power, and it saved me from being broken. I fear may not be as prepared for the next onslaught of Theater, Futurism and Modernity. Using what scant things given me, I have been frantically researching just what they plan to do me next, in hope that I'll know enough to survive once again. Such dastardly instruments of torture known as "the 'magic if'" and "Image theater" still send shivers up and down my spine at my lack of understanding, and that thought alone (like a form of torture itself) is enough to slowly chip away my defenses.
I've readied a counter-strike on time for another subject: my "Term Paper" is primed and ready to be chucked back in the direction of my oppressors, filled to the brim with plentiful, damaging, and relevant verbiage. That should keep them down and give me some extra time to work.
My Lady's face is always with me, I pray that I shall escape to see her smile.
::end play acting::
This is Rumor control, here are the facts (I've always wanted to say that!): Humanities paper; done. Music Theory Final; finished with only a few problems, though I did start having a short bout of asthma when barreling down to the Music under the false assumption I was late. Drama Review: Pertinent, a good amount of notes down, but still more to review. I've still got some time to do so, and damned if I'm not gonna use it.
Got my Latin Review sheet, I probably should have done more on it (Prof. Allan will be going over it tomorrow, though she did say that the only thing she really cared about was us coming to class, plus the review isn't gonna be turned in for credit, I hope). I've got days to review and plenty of material to do it with, so I'm not too worried. I've got enough on me mind already.
Every day I sign on to AIM and see if My Lady is on. Every time she is away I wait for her. Every time she is on I chat as much as I can. And every night, I think of her as I drift off to sleep. I only hope we may have more time together as classes end. My candle is glowing well, gaudeamus igitur!
Enough. More Later.
- James
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Finals/Projects Imprisonment, Day 1
Day one, it's been hard enough to keep my sanity with all this work piling up. Sometimes I consider if it's all worth it. Tons of poorly noted Drama material, hundreds of words on the significance of travel, and constant review of the dreaded Dominant Seventh Chord. And of course the looming ghost that is the late, ultimate Latin Final. I wonder if I'll make it out alive, I have only a mental picture of my Beloved, food, water and a computer.
I think I may be losing my the UC!!! (insert insane laughter)
::end play acting::
Seriously, its a good amount of work I've gotten myself into, nothing enormously difficult, just a lot of work. Really had to buckle down today and really dig in. Good news, up to 1,300 words on a 1,500 word paper due in two days (have another night to work on it), substantial and almost done review notes for my Drama Final (also have two days until and another night to work) and almost no more review needed for Music Theory (the review sheet that was handed out was our Midterm review sheet with the bottom amount of info crossed out and the word "Midterm" crossed out and replaced with the word "Final," seriously). All in all, looking up. Two more days of classes, and when those are over, I'll only need to worry about 2 more finals. Things are lookin up!
And speaking of up, My Lady's Birthday was yesterday, and I delivered my gift without fail. It was quite nice, and once again, I'll leave the details to be asked should you, Dear Reader, wish to know. Lets just say I spent a good 4 hours with her (no, no hanky panky, you sick person!) ::yet crosses off another item on his "Romantic To-Do List":: Ahh, My Lady, my love grows for her daily.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Saturday, March 12, 2005
And Off we go again!
In soundtrackville, finally caved in and used some of my weekly budget to buy some soundtracks off of Amazon. Luckily, there were a crapload of sellers putting some copies up for cheap, and I was able to get the Rob Roy soundtrack, Predator 2 soundtrack, and Time Machine (that new one with Guy Pierce) soundtrack for a decent sum. And speaking of decent sums (or rather indecent), the now not-made-anymore Alien 3 soundtrack (which I've had my eye on for... some time now...MR. ANDERSON!!!) has some sellers on Amazon. I should have freaking got it when there were some affordable copies up there, but damned when I last checked in if there were only two copies left, one (at least admittedly) scratched up selling for $25 and a mint condition one selling for $40. Sheeze! I may want that soundtrack, but not THAT badly (though knowing me, I'll probably cave in and get the $25 one sometime in the near future, Eliot Goldenthal rules!).
In other news, Finals and their predecessors has/are/will dominated/ing/e me for the past/present/future weeks. Thank god I'm finished with my Drama Journals, Music Theory Project and Humanities reading. Now all that are left are my Humanities paper and studying for finals. What really blows is that although I'm having two of my finals early (Music Theory this upcoming Monday, Drama tuesday) and I'll have my own leasure to write my Humanities final, My Latin final is on the last day of 'em. These people must be determined to keep me here! I'll probably be heading back to good ol' SL the evening of Weds. the 23rd, and since things start back up.....oh, thank god. For one ghastly moment I thought that classes started back up on monday the 28th, but it's the 31st. At least that gives me a few more days than I thought. I'll probably head back to Davis late tues or early weds then. Still tho, sucks to have finals right up to the final day!
Last but not least is more on M'Lady. Now, I've been getting a question here or there about this mysterious woman who has captured my heart, but small enough and from close enough friends that I don't mind sharing the info. Conseqently, my offer still stands. If you wish to know, just ask. I'll tell you what I think you should know. (Don't worry, ma and pa, eventually I'll tell you about her!). It happens to be her Birthday today, and though she might read this before I'll have a chance to enact my plan, I'll say it anyway. My creative juices got a flowin a few days back and I wrote her a little B-day poem. Its in my usual doggerel verse (my favorite form still being 4 line stanzas of 2 rhyming couplets each) and quite truthful, as well as warm. Now, dear reader, do not be mistaken when I say I don't have an all consuming passion for My Lady, because I do love her. It is a small, warm love that I wish to nourish and grow into something better, but right now it's size isn't exactly the greatest thing. In my poem I say as much, not coldly, but I don't wish to beat about the bush on this. This will require work and some devotion on both our parts, in my opinion. In any case, I've been encouraged by her friends to go see her today, and that is just what I'll do.
Enough. More later.
- James
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Whoaaaaaaeeeerg.....For the lack of a better Title
In Musical news, just picked up a copy of Purcell's "Ayers for the Theater" (50 tracks in all, damn!) and one of those "Classical-on-a-budget" CDs of Brahms' Requiem. The former because I just performed selections from "The Fairy Queen" on my concert a few days ago, and the latter because I'm resolved to collect and listen to every major classical piece with "Requiem" in the title (Verdi, Mozart, Berlioz, Britten and Brahms down!). So far I haven't been disappointed, except maybe for Britten's "Sinfonia de Requiem," which is rather modern in it's own right (read, somewhat atonal). Anywho, listening to the second movements of Brahms' right now, Wayy cool! Goes right up there with roughly every incarnation of "Dies Irae," Mozart's "Kyrie Elesion/Lux Aeterna," and Verdi's final "Libera Me." This is shake-you-fist-at-the-heavens, primal-yell, angry-Beethoven-type stuff! OHHH YEAHHHH!!!
Also went on a kick of watching the "Sin City" trailer over and over and over and over.....Not only does it look like a kick-ass movie (with some glowing prelim reviews as well), but the trailer music rocks! As usual, there are invariably message boards with whole threads devoted to "What was that one song used in that one movie/trailer?" stuff. Sure enough, one quick look on showed the name, and a cruz through some message boards found me the original mix of "Cells" by The Servant. Much like Rob D and Matrix Reloaded, I've gotta wait for the album to come out in order to get the instrumental version of the song. Fun stuff.
Used the last of me budgeted money (but still some leftover!) to find again how AVP could have been soooo much better. After watching the 20 min featurette on the Making Of, I found that ol' Paul WS Anderson knew more about the whole AVP comic sensation than I had originally thought. Even so, the movie could have been better with a crapload of dialogue changes and a crapload of acting/plot changes. Here we go....
dialogue Nitpicks: There are some seriously laughable lines here. Lex and crew enter the chamber just below the egg chamber, where Weyland's bodyguard (Maxwell? Can't even remember the names, horrid) had earlier, IN FULL VIEW OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS, dropped a humungo glowstick through the hole of the egg chamber. Sorry for the long setup, but Lex says, after consulting her little GPS and STARING RIGHT AT THE GLOWSTICK, "This must be the room below the Sacrificial Chamber!" NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!
Also, lotta expository information delivered by the characters that fluctuate. One moment, they're sounding like their making educated guesses based on what their seeing, which is fine. The next their delivering info that makes it sound like they know everything. In the Egg Chamber, Sebastian says, after staring at a corpse for all of 5 seconds "The chosen ones would lie here....they would go willingly, their hands and feet unbound." This sounds like he was somehow well versed in the subject of Alien/Human interaction history. C'mon! Show a little discretion! "It would appear that these 'chosen ones' would lie here, willingly. See? They were unbound." Grown up humans making intelligent guesses based on info they have at hand, not Miss Cleo "I'm-a channellin' a lotta dialogue now," crap. Piss off!
And WTF was with that whole touchy-feely-warm scenes between the final Predator and Lex? Dear God! These aliens are Hunters! We don't even know if there ARE Female Predators, or even the capacity for one to go "Whoaaa now, she's kinda cute!" NAW, the Predator should have had gruff respect for this feisty human. Along the lines of "Humph, ya got some skills on ya, Here, arm yourself and see if you can survive!" and "Not bad, not bad....for a human." I read somewhere that it should have been an Arnie-like character (not to disparage Girl-Power) and that final scene on the ridge would be a mix of grudging respect and sizing each other up. Extra-ordinary circumstances brought them together, but that doesn't mean that they should all of the sudden go all warm and cuddly on each other! Yeeesh. At least the big, angry-momma Queen kicked some serious ass (Though it would have been nice to see the Predators kick some more Alien-butt, they died too damn quickly!) ::end AVP rant::
Gettin my Mus. Theory Project done. Finally decided on just playing the MIDI file through Finale as the performance. I had to wrangle with the playback notation/controls, but things are ending up nicely. I just need about a minute and a half more music....oy. Composing is tough stuff!
Gads, need to work on my Humanities paper, I should get at least 500 words done before the weekend (or more) if I hope to not have to lock myself in on Sunday to finish it. Finishing the reading would help too....
Ahh, but some light in the mud of work, Seeing My Lady. Had a nice night last night, just sitting In the Arboretum. I'm not going to be explicit, but you can ask me for details if you want (but whether or not I tell you is another thing entirely!) Lets just say it was quite nice. ::checks off something on his "Romantic To-Do List":: I look forward to seeing her again.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Ahhh, what a day...
First, I just had a concert with the Baroque Ensemble plus another Baroque group AND a baritone. This equals a long and cool concert. We had rehearsals Weds., Thurs., and Friday, and then the performance on Sat. That's roughly 8 hours rehearsal for 2 hours worth of performance, and Man am I tired! It was some cool stuff: some selections from Purcell's "The Fairy Queen," a concerto for Violin and Oboe by J.S. Bach, in addition to his cantata "Ich habe genug." The older group also played an AWESOME piece by Beiber (sic) that featured two violins (originally gambas, so I've been told) played Scordatora, i.e. with their strings tuned differently from normal. Suffice to say, it was really cool.
I really need to learn how to hold my instrument in my left hand as opposed to gripping it between my chin and my shoulder, because there is no handy chin rest to grip the period instrument with. As a result, I find myself continually shoving the instrument back into my neck to keep it from slipping off my shoulder, not cool. I can't even vibrato well by doing it! Ah well, at least the music is cool.
It was cool to play standing up, the kinda usual, Baroque style way, but after most of this days activities, It was just another thing to tire my feet. Tim Jue, that old friend of mine from San Leandro High School (and potential Davis student) finally got his shit together and came up to visit ol' Davis. We had one hell of a time, going here and there, me showing him all the notable spots on campus and the various housing situations. I think I've given him some good incentive to come to this grand old UC of ours, though he hasn't received his letter yet. The way I see it, if he was able to get into Cal Poly, SLO, then he can get into Davis. In any case, I was already pretty bushed after his visit, and having to sprint over to Mondavi and then stand for two hours has really knocked it outta me.
Ahhh, but the best for last. I finally got to see My Lady again. Wouldn't you know it, but not only did my two comp. tickets for the performance go right together, but it put both her and My Dad (who came up to listen to my concert form the hometown) right next to each other. I'd already told my dad the situation. "Yeah, there's this girl I like, and she's probably gonna be sitting next to you,...etc. etc." My dad's an awesome guy, so there really weren't going to be any awkward situations, and there weren't. But darn it if they also happen to get the tickets from the Will Call window at the same time. I'd wondered if they'd look askance at each other after both claiming a ticket under my name, but it worked out fine, and they were chatting amiable with each other during intermission. Very good indeed.
And finally getting to spend perhaps a little more than a few seconds with her, this I was looking forward to. Though it wasn't too much, just some lighthearted chatting as we walked back to Tercero, it was very nice. It was a little awkward having my dad there, who needed to come back with me to get his stuff from my room (waiting for my performance after we had eaten dinner), and I'd really like to just spend some time with her, just us two (and no nosey friends, Caro and crew!). Heh, I bet M'Lady is being drilled by them as I type this. I really want to see her again...
Ahhh, Amore. What more can I say?
Enough. More Later.
- James
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
And a little bit more about myself...
That Music theory quiz on Dominant Seventh chords this morning was ok and all, at least I think I did well. There was a spot where an accidental would have made the question answerable, and there was a spot where someone asked if a section needed to be considered major, yet I was doing it with no considerations and getting good answers....I dunno. Given that I got a 94 on the midterm that I thought I bombed, I'm sure things'll work out fine.
This week is gonna have some interesting nights. I'm having 7-10 Baroque rehearsals starting tonight and going until Friday. Luckily for me, the stuff we're playing has some good Viola stuff in it, if we were doing another rehash of a very Viola-uninteresting "Dido and Aeneas," I would be annoyed. Granted, we're doing another Purcell piece, but at least it's got some cool stuff in it. And then, the creme-de-la-creme, the J.S. Bach double concerto for Violin and Oboe. MAN does that have some cool stuff in it! We're also doing Bach's "Ich habe genug" cantata, which I hear is very nice, but the accompaniment by itself is snoreable. Hopefully we'll have the other, older, Baroque players come tonight to accompany and give us pointers. And best of all My Lady will be there for the performance on Saturday. What could be potentially interesting is that the comp tickets I should be getting for my dad and her MIGHT be right next to each other, I don't know what the outcome will be.
I should probably get started on my composition soon, but with all this music and other schoolwork, it might have to wait until Sunday.
Fencing was fun last night, but man, did I still feel a little of that removal that I felt in the Berk. Tourney. I started getting real spacey all of the sudden those few weeks ago, which wasn't all that good, given that I was line judging and needed my eyes on the action. TC was giving a bladework demo last night and I found my eyes and mind wandering over to some practicing sabreurs, I snapped back to attention at TC's chiding, but I felt like "wow, I'm still outta it."
Talked with Toes trying to figure out just how we could improve fencing with each other (viz tall people) and received some advice from ol' Matt Rock. Footwork! If you're tall, controlling the footwork means controlling the match. I'm gonna be advancing and retreating to the bathroom for the next few weeks to get that down. I also still need to get a better sense of gauging distance. I got it for fencing behemoths like Toes, but totally goofed when fencing small Liz. I just need to be able to increase my speed.
Goddamn, as soon as I'm done with foil, I might just end up washing my hands of it all together. Epee stabbin' is where it's at! Mind Games and footwork! And you don't get points for bein' a fast, twitchy little bugger like you do in foil. Ugh, I wanna do it for fun, but damned if my competitive spirit wants me to do better. That's gonna require time and work, and darn it if I'm short on time and got enough work to do already.
Ahh, but it is all worth my time for a word or two with My Lady. Goodness, I feel much the same as she, and I think I my interest for her increases by her interest in me. I only willingly oblige, and given that we're both pretty much hopeless romantics, we end up surprising each other in little ways. That detail I'll leave up to you, Reader, to put specifics to, if you're one of me buddies, just ask me and if I trust ya, I'll let you know.
And well she knows,
I love the ground
where on she goes
I hope the day
will one day come,
when she and I
Will be as one."
- Black is the Color
Don't even THINK about taking that the wrong way, sicko!
Enough. More Later.
- James