Had a great time bowling with the fencers and My Lady. Rats, was the only one not to get a strike. Ahh well, I got to spend another four hours of bliss with My Lady afterward, snuggled up under a large blanket and watching thunderheads pass by. Didn't get to bed until 3 am, but it was well worth it.
Sold a bunch of my textbooks over at the bookstore just off campus on third and university. Didn't particularly care how much money I got for them, but was able to get a CD and DVD over at Borders afterward. Criterion put out a few more old Samurai films in the past month, and I picked up "The Sword of Doom" (awesome movie, I'm gonna make the fencers watch it, along with "The Duellists" and "Rob Roy" when I get the chance) along with a recording of Pergolesi's "Stabat Mater" on My Lady's recommendation. Good purchases all.
I'm starting to catch a cold. Just restocked Rudy with another box of tissues. Hope I can make it past the finals. I don't know how the heck I got this, but all I know is that I need to keep on the down low.
I found this link on My Lady's blog, and of course, had to try it.

Take the quiz at dicepool.com
"You are the large, round, friendly d20! (You probably didn't know this, but the shape of the twenty-sided die is called an Icosahedron.) You are the friendly, outgoing, outspoken, leader of friends. You are often looked up to, even though you don't normally deserve it. Most other types secretly wish they were you, and you'd give them tips on how, if only you had a clue yourself. Your charisma is often all you need, but you have your occasional moments of brilliance as well--just never when it's actually needed. You are the all-around good guy, a dependable chum, a respectable foe, and an inspiration to those who need one. Who says you can't get by on a smile and good looks alone?"
Lastly, and for those that haven't heard of "Boot to the Head," you must! Evidently a product of Dr. Demento (though the ID3 tags mentioned the performers to be "The Frantics") so far I have heard two hilarious audio sketches featuring the above. I'll transcibe one for ya...
"Tae Kwon Leep"
Master: "Approach, students. Close the circle at the feet of the master. You have come to me asking that I be your guide along the path...of Tae Kwon Leep. But...be warned. To learn its ways, you must learn the ways of your own soul. Let us meditate on this wisdom now...so:"
::begins "Ohm" chant::
Ed: "Uh...sir?"
::snaps fingers::
::sounds of students being shoved out of the way::
Master: "Who disturbs our meditation, like the pebble disturbs the stillness of the pond?"
Ed: "Me...Ed Gruberman?"
Master: "Ed....Goobermehn?"
Ed: "Yeah...uhhh...no disrespect or nuthin', but..like..uh..how long is this gonna take?"
Master: "Tae Kwon Leep is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon."
Ed: "So..like...what? And hour or so?"
Master: "No...no, we have not even begun upon the path. Ed Goobermehn, you must learn patience."
Ed: "Yeah yeah patience. How long will that take?"
Master: "Time has no meaning. To a true student, a year is as a day."
Ed (interrupting): "A YEAR? I wanna beat people up right now! I got the pajamas! HAH YOOO HAH HOUMMM!"
Master: "Beat people up?"
Ed: "Yeah! Just show me all those nifty moves so I can start trashing bozos! That's all I came here for. YOOOO-HAH TAH TAH TAH!!! Pretty good, eh?"
Master (interrupting at last "TAH"): "The only use of Tae Kwon Leep...is self defense. Do you know who said that? Ki Lo Ni, the great teacher."
Ed: "Yeah? Well the best defense is a good oh-fense! Ya know who said that? Mel, the cook on Alice. "
Master: "Well...uhhmm...Tae Kwon Leep is the wine of purity, not the vinegar of hostility. Meditate upon this truth with us."
::begins "Ohm" chant again::
Ed: "Listen shrimp! Now are you gonna show me some fancy moves, or am I gonna start wipin' the walls with you?"
Master: "Ed Groobermehn, you've failed to grasp Tae Kwon Leep. Approach me that you might see."
Ed: "Allright! Finally some action!"
Master: "Observe closely, class."
::quick beat::
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::swish! WHAP!::
Ed: "OWWW! You booted me in the HEAD!!!"
Master: "You are lucky, Ed Groobermehn, few novices experience so much of Tae Kwon Leep so soon."
Ed: "Owww!"
Master: "Let us continue."
Ed: "HEY! Hey, I wasn't ready! Come and get me now, shorty! Hanh? C'mon! Are ya chicken?"
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::swish! WHAP!::
Ed: "Owwwww...OK, now I'm ready! Ok, now! Try it now!"
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::swish! WHAP!::
Ed: "Mind if I just lie down here for a minute?"
Master: "Now class, we shall return to our--"
Student 1 (on "return"): "Master?"
Master: "It is wrong to tip the vessel of knowledge, student!"
Student 1: "Many apologies, Master. But I feel Ed Groobermehn is not wholly wrong."
Master: "What do you mean?"
Student 1: "I want to boot some head, too."
Master: "Have you learned nothing from the lesson of Ed Groobermehn?"
Student 1: "Yes, Master. I have learned two things: First, that anger is a weapon only to ones opponent..."
Master: "Very good."
Student 1: "...and secondly, get in the first shot...Boot to the head!"
Master: "You missed!"
Student 1: "Ai-ahh! Well--"
Master: "You too shall be honored--"
Student 1: "No, I can wait!"
Master: "--to learn a lesson--"
Student 1: "You don't have to, you know!"
Master: "--novice!--"
Student 1: "I gotta be going!"
Master: "Boot to the head!"
::whoosh! WHAP!!::
Student 1: "OYIRK!! ARRRR...ohhhhhh...."
Master: "Can anyone tell us what lesson has been learned here?"
Student 2: "Uh...yes, Master. Not a single one of us could defeat you."
Master: "You gain wisdom, child."
Student 2: "So we'll have to gang up on you! GET HIM GUYS!!!"
Master: "Boot to the head! Boot!"
::many cries from the students, "Hut! Hyut! Hut!"s from the master, whooshing, whapping, and chaos::
::settles down with much groaning::
Master: "And now class, let us rejoin the mind to the body, and gaze into the heart of the candle in meditation."
::Master "Ohm"s, and the students groaning segues into a collective "Ohm"::
Enough. More Later.
- James
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