Monday, March 14, 2005

Finals/Projects Imprisonment, Day 2

::begin play acting::

Though I'm surviving the punishment thrown at me, I can feel my spirit being leeched away. The torture of the Voice Leading, Chord Progression, and Modulation has passed, thank god. I was made of tougher stuff then they thought, namely because I had done my homework on the subject. Knowledge is power, and it saved me from being broken. I fear may not be as prepared for the next onslaught of Theater, Futurism and Modernity. Using what scant things given me, I have been frantically researching just what they plan to do me next, in hope that I'll know enough to survive once again. Such dastardly instruments of torture known as "the 'magic if'" and "Image theater" still send shivers up and down my spine at my lack of understanding, and that thought alone (like a form of torture itself) is enough to slowly chip away my defenses.

I've readied a counter-strike on time for another subject: my "Term Paper" is primed and ready to be chucked back in the direction of my oppressors, filled to the brim with plentiful, damaging, and relevant verbiage. That should keep them down and give me some extra time to work.

My Lady's face is always with me, I pray that I shall escape to see her smile.

::end play acting::

This is Rumor control, here are the facts (I've always wanted to say that!): Humanities paper; done. Music Theory Final; finished with only a few problems, though I did start having a short bout of asthma when barreling down to the Music under the false assumption I was late. Drama Review: Pertinent, a good amount of notes down, but still more to review. I've still got some time to do so, and damned if I'm not gonna use it.

Got my Latin Review sheet, I probably should have done more on it (Prof. Allan will be going over it tomorrow, though she did say that the only thing she really cared about was us coming to class, plus the review isn't gonna be turned in for credit, I hope). I've got days to review and plenty of material to do it with, so I'm not too worried. I've got enough on me mind already.

Every day I sign on to AIM and see if My Lady is on. Every time she is away I wait for her. Every time she is on I chat as much as I can. And every night, I think of her as I drift off to sleep. I only hope we may have more time together as classes end. My candle is glowing well, gaudeamus igitur!

Enough. More Later.
- James

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