Thursday, April 28, 2005

Glad that's over....Wait, there's more? Titty biscuits! (Updated)

I suppose another post is in order.

For those of you not acquainted with this specific online toon, do so immediately. Monty Python Fans a plus...

Hey! I find the exclamatory statement in the title of my post funny! (found at the above site).

Just finished my Anthro midterm. Wasn't quite as bad as I'd thought. Sure, I still goofed on the dates (and almost avoided a question, but figured an educated guess rather than a sneaky turn of phrase with no info a better choice), but I was surprised at how much I retained. It's not that the information is difficult, just a heck of a lot of it.

On one sore point, the division between more monkey-like types (Cercapithacoids) and more ape-like (Hominoids) is slightly debated term-wise. Rather, just the Hominoids. Generally, Man and his precursors are referred to as "Hominids." Technically speaking, the term HominID and HominOID are very close, but the former meaning Human and the latter referring to the branch HominOIDia. Now, a smart person went "Hmmm, Hominid is really close to Hominoid, what if we classify just humans as HominINEs? That way anything resembling Hominoid/-nid is in reference to the Family Hominoidea while Humans and there kind be relegated to the Subfamily Homininae." Brilliant! No close spelling to twist the tongue and mind.

However, our Professor, respect him though I do, has elected to keep calling Humans and their kind Hominids (as it has been for years, which usually doesn't post a problem). But, especially on one question of the test, there can be some marked confusion. There was a certain fossil, Proconsul, that had the makings of being in the Family HominOIDia. The question was, did it have the traits to be placed higher up in the tree, with the Hominines, viz Us? The phrasing of the question was thusly..."Your friend argues that (a primitive trait, not useful in classification) makes Proconsul a Hominid. Explain why he is wrong. What traits DOES it have to place it in the family Hominoidia?"

Now, the question steps on its own feet. The Primitive trait is ONLY considered Primitive when comparing it to something higher up on the evolutionary tree. Viz, "Lucy" has five fingers and a grasping thumb, therefore she should be considered a Homo Sapiens. That doesn't work, because ALL Hominines have five fingers and an opposable thumb. It was a trait that begun with a really far back ancestor, and since we all have it, we can't use it to refine our classification WITHIN our small group of Hominines. Therefore, we need to search for a Derived trait, or a specific difference that sets us apart from more CLOSELY SIMILAR ancestors.

It is the Final part of the question that maddens me. It's obvious that the Primitive trait does not justify placing Proconsul with us Hominines. However, if they are asking for a trait that places them with HominOIDs, then they've just given us the answer and not really stepped anywhere. The Primitive trait becomes Derived when we step farther away from specifics. Yes, Proconsul was in that LARGE family Hominoidea by that Primitive (now derived, from this viewpoint) trait. However, there is also a trait that places it in the Subfamily Homininae with us, but are you asking about that, or the large family Hominoidea? What I can't tell is whether they've lumped the -noid/-nid together, in which case they should have said "What trait does make Proconsul a Hominine?" Or just asked a "Duh!" question with no merit. Get this stuff straight, people!

< /anthro rant >

Alright, sorry if I was getting all textbookish, but I had to get that outta my system.

I've still got a Latin Quiz to study for. The Midterm for the class is also coming up soon, not to mention the next Psych Midterms. Yeeesh! I get done with one only to have another pop up.

On the plus side, I get to go paint TC's House on Saturday. That should be fun.

Perhaps I'll get to see my Lady again soon, as well. I hope so.


Currently in headphones: "Dogs Among The Bushes" by The Cheiftans.

Bother, My Lady is busy friday. Hopefully I'll have some time saturday evening to see her. I know I shouldn't be grumpy about it. I don't have priority in her life. Wheres the justification in feeling a bit down then? Suck it up, buddy!

Latin vocab down, working on grammar with Mr. Hatfield as we speak. Hands down, the Future participle ending "-ūrus" sounds the coolest. Such as "Athēnās profectūrus, comitēs aspexit dormientēs." or "As he was about to set out for Athens, he looked at his sleeping friends." The "pro-fec-TOO-roos" is just so tasty on the tongue. Latin kicks ass!

Recēdite, plebes! Gero rēm imperiālem!

Enough. More Later.

- James

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