Monday, June 13, 2005

Toooo much free time...

Currently in earphones: "Lilium ~opening version~" by Konishi Kayo and Kondoo Yuk, "Mass in G Minor" by Ralph Vaughn Williams.

Greetings all,

One of these days I'll wise up and find classes with finals that DON'T land days apart. This extra time is dulling my knowledge, and it's all I can do to drag myself back to the review questions and scribe down some more answers. Oh well, hopefully I'll finally get together with Whitney and get some serious studying done, not to mention compare notes with Jon. Poor guy, I hope he realizes the goof I made with calculating the number of review questions.

On another note, this has caught my interest of late...

(WARNING, SQUEAMISH SHOULD NOT PARTAKE! Some material judged disturbing by many)

Now, this exemplifies "Goth" in essence. Vaguely Victorian in dress and speak, mildly morbid (or severely, depending on your level of squeamishness) and having a obsequious obsession with the occult and occlusive oddities. The problem with "Goth" is that it gets all too hammy and pretentious all too easily. This flash animation, however, is a prime example of, as one user put it, "a non-try-hard noir." All too often, "Goth" comes across as "Ooo, look at me! I'm all dark and depressed and creepy. Aren't I cool?" As a result, I don't have much respect for it. Well done "Goth" I appreciate and find entertaining, but the majority of those who claim it are either those in it for the attention and shock value or those so dismally arrayed socially and mentally that you wonder how they function. How can you honestly give credence to something like that?

Anywhos, only a few more days, and the first year of college is over. Yikes! How'd that happen? Didn't I just move in? A whole lot has happened, academically and socially. And man, oh man, how I wished High School was that productive in this sense! I've grown more in this one year than in most of my pre-college years put together. And yet, there is still a lot I wish to do. I want this year to go on for another few months or so: Get to know my dorm buddies better, not worry about rent or food, take more lower-division classes without feeling hounded by deciding on a major, and solidify my existing friendships without worrying about adjusting to relocation. It was long, and I've had a lot of experiences, good and bad. But I both am glad that it's over and still yearning for more.

Uhh, yeah. That's about it for now. I have chocolate. Life is good.

Enough. More Later.
- James

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