Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The End is Here!.....Wait, just kidding....

Currently in Earphones: Ocean's Twelve Soundtrack by David Holmes

Greetings all!

These have been some eventful last few days.

So yesternight I was puttering about on the laptop and happened to catch a rather interesting headline in Google News..."Tsunami Warning Issued for California Coast" or some such...And my initial reaction was "Oh, funky."

Evidently a 7.1 quake hit off the coast and a 5.0 hit north of the bay, probably far enough away not to rattle the Golden Gate. A Tsunami warning was issued and alertness was stressed. Not 20 minutes afterward, after which I was busy telling people about said event, an update was posted to the extent of "Whoops, Sorry. No big waves after all. Just kidding!" I then felt it my duty, seemingly being the only one up on this stuff, to update everyone I just told with the decidedly less interesting (but more safe). I'd already been the bearer of false news a week before (albeit for something not quite so potentially lethal, viz whether or not a movie was being shown), so I was in no interest to keep the title.

Had my Anthro Final, and what happened? The multiple choice section had me scratchin' my head (nothing especially bad, just took more time) and I breezed though the short answer section. Guess which part I studied for and which part I scanned over, deeming it fairly unimportant beforehand? I'm gonna pass this class, and with a non-shabby grade to boot, I'm sure of it. So I'm not worried.

Went with Sascha and Toes to see Batman Begins. WOW. That movie owned me. Everyone must see it. It's got Swords! And Explosions! You'll like it! My only qualms were that the fight scenes were shot entirely too close to the action and the Scarecrow was an awful sissy. Granted, he was really creepy and has my favorite line....Grunt: "Who is it?" Him: "It's the!" I'll say no more, but you all must see!!!!

I'm kinda sad-hat because I just picked up the "Ocean's Twelve" Soundtrack, specifically for the music that played during the scene where Le Renard dances through the laser traps, but I don't think it's on here! There's some good tracks here on the order of "Swing/Jazz Heist Music" that's particularly titillating, but darn it, I wanted that song!

Gotta start some serious packing, I'm goin' home tomorrow! Farewell, Davis, until next September!

Enough. More Later.
- James

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