Currently in Earphones: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Soundtrack by John Williams.
Whoof! Blazin' right along!
Need only 200 words more for my Ling. Paper. I'll finish it tomorrow and not have to worry about it for the next few days. Now all I need to do is continue with Latin, catch up with some Comp. Lit. busywork and start THAT essay, etc. etc. Manageable stuff.
Had a very heartening day at fencing. Earlier on I was seriously doubting that I'd do well at all at the upcoming Santa Cruz Tourney (Yes, Mom and Dad, you're welcome to come if you'd like to haul yourselves down to Santa Cruz. I'll send you more info when I get it). I had missed the last two practices to work and Baroque Ensemble, and previously had been beaten into the ground by Matt Rock. Now, I learned two things this practice: 1. I am a fair hand with an Epee (once I get some tactics in) and 2. I need some foundation before any of Rock's tactics settle in.
Cathy, Matt's girlfriend, explained it very well to me: He's not a very good teacher in that he instructs you as if you were about to go fence somewhere his level. Now, that's all well and good, to be learning some advanced stuff, but if you're fresh into Epee (or not wanting to be really, really good this instant) it's not so cool. However, as Thoreau once said (and I paraphrase), "If you build your castles in the air, worry not. That is where they should be. Now put foundations under them."
The foundation came from TC, who graciously allowed me some private time to polish the hunk of raw ore that is my Epee skill with him. I was greatly relieved to hear that I could ask him for some time for private tutelage and that he would grant it, should he have the time. I also was able to fence Seymon and score a good amount of hits against him. Matt should be happy to know that I feinted distance against him, intentionally falling short to lull him closer, then going in for the kill. BOO-YAH!
Incidentally, there's a new fencer named James (now I REALLY need a nickname!) who's fenced Epee for 4 years in High School. The only thing is that he now has to get a foil base from TC before he's allowed to fence Epee again. Seems like a nice guy.
My poor, dear Anja. She has been wrestling with a twingy migraine for a week or so now and it had her against the ropes, but now it managed to throw her out of the ring. She skipped school today because of that and her jaw kept locking up. My mom has kindly pointed out some articles on the subject which I've dutifully forwarded to Anja. I hope she finds something to help her get better, but it's difficult with her difficulty swallowing pills. She's been telling me that she's really up for a change of scene, and I offered her a visit/stay for a bit in the Bay when Thanksgiving come around. Mom, Dad, I hope you don't mind if she does like to take up the offer, though it's probably not going to be so. She has the usual Family Gathering to go to, but she'll make an attempt to shrug it off, though I'm not sure how successful it will be. I care for her very much.
But soft, I have homework to finish!
Enough. More Later.
- James
Monday, October 24, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Yet Another Quick Update
Currently in Earphones: "The Mermaids Tears" and "The Rowan Tree Trilogy" by Jeff Victor, "The Dragon's Breath" by David Arkenstone, "Skellig" by Loreena McKennitt.
Things are chugggin' right along.
I should probably get a job: luckily the University has all sorts of student jobs. What's lookin' best right now is being a Shelver at Shields Library. My only qualms are the hours: weekends, must keep all hours during Finals week, and an extra 7 hours during the last two weeks of the quarter. I'll meditate on it for a day or two, but I'm guessing I'm gonna be going for it. Goodbye, free time....At least it's money.
Gotta get working on my Linguistics Paper. The first part is due in a week.
The UCD Drama dept is having their second annual costume sale this weekend, should be fun. We're going to camp out early in the morning to get some good pickings.
8am classes blow. I'm never going to take them again if I can avoid it. At least Drama 10 is interesting enough to merit me dragging my butt outta bed at 6:30 that I may be there, scrubbed and satiated, on time.
Some Latin for my dear Anja: "Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior, Omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior!" Te amo, Cara Mea.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Things are chugggin' right along.
I should probably get a job: luckily the University has all sorts of student jobs. What's lookin' best right now is being a Shelver at Shields Library. My only qualms are the hours: weekends, must keep all hours during Finals week, and an extra 7 hours during the last two weeks of the quarter. I'll meditate on it for a day or two, but I'm guessing I'm gonna be going for it. Goodbye, free time....At least it's money.
Gotta get working on my Linguistics Paper. The first part is due in a week.
The UCD Drama dept is having their second annual costume sale this weekend, should be fun. We're going to camp out early in the morning to get some good pickings.
8am classes blow. I'm never going to take them again if I can avoid it. At least Drama 10 is interesting enough to merit me dragging my butt outta bed at 6:30 that I may be there, scrubbed and satiated, on time.
Some Latin for my dear Anja: "Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior, Omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior!" Te amo, Cara Mea.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Hip Hip....HUZZAH!
Currently in Earphones: "Sahara" soundtrack by Clint Mansell. "The Dragon's Breath" by David Arkenstone.
Wow, so that's what a renaissance fair is like.
Roll call of who all was there: From the Casa de Espada de Davis (our house), Myself, Preston (with his current interest, Kyong Hwa), and Robert (with his girlfriend Lisa). And group no. 2, dear Anja and her friends Lisa and Michelle.
I have been to the Dickens fair before. But that, at worst, was a bunch of pretentious, annoying idiots who liked flouncing about in Victorian costume and sawing away at unconvincing accents.
Okay, so the reason for this negative turn was a particularly annoying event early on during the Ren Fair today, but other than that, the day was cool.
Now, I knew that there are usually a few loonies who take everything to the extreme and make some weird crap go down, usually involving an unsuspecting civilian-dressed person who's just there to soak it in. I've had similar encounters before, so I was ready for some strange shit. But this one just rattled me...
Sascha and I were play-fencing with empty hands, just having a glorified poking war. Now, this dude, who was over-acting to begin with (but who had some suavitude to him) sidles up to us and makes a big show of "Don't stab women, embrace women!" (with the usual flowery elocution) in demonstration to me and with the various ladies in our party. Who should he grab but Anja?
So I'm not getting angry or anything: I've got some stability because I was expecting this, but I'm off balance all the same because he's not letting me get a word in edgewise. He's leading me on to calling him out ("Here, you hold her, like this, etc...[to Anja] You see his face? I see jealousy there!") and there is no malice or otherwise, he's doing it all in play. But once again, for the life of me, he wasn't letting me collect my wits to deliver anything diplomatic or (if I was fast and lucky enough) witty.
He was playful enough to keep putting a hand to the side of my face in demonstration ("You hold women!"), with which I kept gently grabbing and pushing aside. Between these vocal salvos and otherwise, I was struggling to find words of my own to rebuff the cur. Now, it looked as though he was a nice enough guy, so I wasn't interested in chewing him out, but I eventually gave up and played into the short way out. I let all expression fall from my face, took a good grip on his hand, and said softly "Unhand my woman!" Not the words I would have used had I the choice, for he was baiting me towards such a cro-magnon-like response.
But it did the trick, and he bowed in apology before I could stammer out "or I shall have to challenge you to a duel!" I would have duelled him in all earnestness, yet still in play, as I had no interest in actual blood sport. As we left we were all laughing about it naturally, but I still felt I had some matter of honor to settle, some reason left unexplained. That, unfortunately, was what stuck with me, that un-balanced-ness.
Not to say that there were other good things that I forgot. There was an uproariously funny troupe called The Sound and the Fury who did their own play, "Testiculese and ye Sack of Rome," the self-advertised "dirtiest play of the faire." It was basically a long string of sex jokes, but well put together and well executed. To mention some off-color material, they used a joke with word-play on "vas deferens" in the punchline, which elicited a good giggle from myself and the rest, to which the performers replied: "Ahh, a College-age group!"
Saw the Jousting tournament, which had all the theatricality (and better jokes) as any of those "Camelot"-dinner-and-a-floor-show actors-whacking-each-other-with-swords performances, but had real, honest-to-goodness, no-holds-barred jousting. Real whacks and everything. Nothing too spectacular, but you could tell when a hit landed: "CRAASH!!"
We picked up some great, hearty food. Preston with a full leg of turkey, and the rest with some beautifully rich soup in a bread bowl. We watched some Morris Dancers and Scots/Irish dancers while chonkin' on the grub, and it was then that we actually met back up with Anja and co.
What had happened: The house crew (viz, Preston, I, et. al.) got separated from the Anja crew as we were looking through all the booths, and we decided to head over to the Jousting match and hope to meet up with them on the off-chance that they were going there too. After the match, we went back to the food area and ate, during which we found each other again.
After that we wandered about some more, and eventually caught the middle of "The Bold and Stupid Men," a well done act about how to be overtly and comically chivalrous. There was some fun theatrical swordplay, but it was also clear that the fellows were no slouches with blades. As Preston remarked later: "There were some well done technical disengages and takes, and even one of the more theatrical 'circular-disarm' moves, though with quite a bit of skill in it." Normally I'm not up for any kind of audience participation, but in a play like this (and with the already theatrical quality of most of the audience) it was a joy to watch the two men instruct people in how to a man, a man, and BOW to a a man!
We goofed about in the various clothing booths for a little afterward, and my only regret was not trying on some of the loose-sleeved, renaissance men's shirts that merited their own booth. The various cloaks were cool enough, but I think I'll be able to get stuff like that at the upcoming Costume Sale in the UCD Drama dept.
Poor, dear Anja. She came down with a migraine part way through the day. I went into my customary "low-alert" mode: ears pricked and eyes open in order to help ease any aggravating stimuli that might make things worse. This, of course, pretty much only entailed me with keeping the sun out of her face and being as gentle as possible. Having a mom who gets migrains has, I hope, tuned me in at least a little to that kind of stuff.
Turns out that her group didn't click very well with the rest of us. Anja was put in the awkward position of trying to at least reconcile her two charges, a feat which I heard later didn't turn out very well. In any case, she's feeling pretty crummy today, so after I do my few chores and homework I hope to be able to ease her.
To end on a nice note, she came back to our house (along with our other guests, though not the other two in Anja's crew) and we all cooked dinner. I won't go into too much detail of the short time we had with each other afterward, but it was so nice to be standing in each others arms, and feeling this sort of magic rise out each other by being on the same brainwave: listening to the above mentioned Celtic song and looking into each others eyes.
Reader, I worried earlier when getting to know Anja. I worried that I might not come to love her. I cared and still care for her very much, yet as I have discovered, there seems to be a fine line between loving and caring for someone. Maybe I'm still settling the differences between Passionate love and Companionate Love, as so nicely outlined by our Psych. Profs. But I tell you, Reader, whatever stoicism that has stilled my heart in the past is gradually dissolving. For once, I have hope.
But enough of my prattling. I'm sure you're anxious to be getting back to your life after such a lengthily post.
Enough, More Later.
- James
Wow, so that's what a renaissance fair is like.
Roll call of who all was there: From the Casa de Espada de Davis (our house), Myself, Preston (with his current interest, Kyong Hwa), and Robert (with his girlfriend Lisa). And group no. 2, dear Anja and her friends Lisa and Michelle.
I have been to the Dickens fair before. But that, at worst, was a bunch of pretentious, annoying idiots who liked flouncing about in Victorian costume and sawing away at unconvincing accents.
Okay, so the reason for this negative turn was a particularly annoying event early on during the Ren Fair today, but other than that, the day was cool.
Now, I knew that there are usually a few loonies who take everything to the extreme and make some weird crap go down, usually involving an unsuspecting civilian-dressed person who's just there to soak it in. I've had similar encounters before, so I was ready for some strange shit. But this one just rattled me...
Sascha and I were play-fencing with empty hands, just having a glorified poking war. Now, this dude, who was over-acting to begin with (but who had some suavitude to him) sidles up to us and makes a big show of "Don't stab women, embrace women!" (with the usual flowery elocution) in demonstration to me and with the various ladies in our party. Who should he grab but Anja?
So I'm not getting angry or anything: I've got some stability because I was expecting this, but I'm off balance all the same because he's not letting me get a word in edgewise. He's leading me on to calling him out ("Here, you hold her, like this, etc...[to Anja] You see his face? I see jealousy there!") and there is no malice or otherwise, he's doing it all in play. But once again, for the life of me, he wasn't letting me collect my wits to deliver anything diplomatic or (if I was fast and lucky enough) witty.
He was playful enough to keep putting a hand to the side of my face in demonstration ("You hold women!"), with which I kept gently grabbing and pushing aside. Between these vocal salvos and otherwise, I was struggling to find words of my own to rebuff the cur. Now, it looked as though he was a nice enough guy, so I wasn't interested in chewing him out, but I eventually gave up and played into the short way out. I let all expression fall from my face, took a good grip on his hand, and said softly "Unhand my woman!" Not the words I would have used had I the choice, for he was baiting me towards such a cro-magnon-like response.
But it did the trick, and he bowed in apology before I could stammer out "or I shall have to challenge you to a duel!" I would have duelled him in all earnestness, yet still in play, as I had no interest in actual blood sport. As we left we were all laughing about it naturally, but I still felt I had some matter of honor to settle, some reason left unexplained. That, unfortunately, was what stuck with me, that un-balanced-ness.
Not to say that there were other good things that I forgot. There was an uproariously funny troupe called The Sound and the Fury who did their own play, "Testiculese and ye Sack of Rome," the self-advertised "dirtiest play of the faire." It was basically a long string of sex jokes, but well put together and well executed. To mention some off-color material, they used a joke with word-play on "vas deferens" in the punchline, which elicited a good giggle from myself and the rest, to which the performers replied: "Ahh, a College-age group!"
Saw the Jousting tournament, which had all the theatricality (and better jokes) as any of those "Camelot"-dinner-and-a-floor-show actors-whacking-each-other-with-swords performances, but had real, honest-to-goodness, no-holds-barred jousting. Real whacks and everything. Nothing too spectacular, but you could tell when a hit landed: "CRAASH!!"
We picked up some great, hearty food. Preston with a full leg of turkey, and the rest with some beautifully rich soup in a bread bowl. We watched some Morris Dancers and Scots/Irish dancers while chonkin' on the grub, and it was then that we actually met back up with Anja and co.
What had happened: The house crew (viz, Preston, I, et. al.) got separated from the Anja crew as we were looking through all the booths, and we decided to head over to the Jousting match and hope to meet up with them on the off-chance that they were going there too. After the match, we went back to the food area and ate, during which we found each other again.
After that we wandered about some more, and eventually caught the middle of "The Bold and Stupid Men," a well done act about how to be overtly and comically chivalrous. There was some fun theatrical swordplay, but it was also clear that the fellows were no slouches with blades. As Preston remarked later: "There were some well done technical disengages and takes, and even one of the more theatrical 'circular-disarm' moves, though with quite a bit of skill in it." Normally I'm not up for any kind of audience participation, but in a play like this (and with the already theatrical quality of most of the audience) it was a joy to watch the two men instruct people in how to a man, a man, and BOW to a a man!
We goofed about in the various clothing booths for a little afterward, and my only regret was not trying on some of the loose-sleeved, renaissance men's shirts that merited their own booth. The various cloaks were cool enough, but I think I'll be able to get stuff like that at the upcoming Costume Sale in the UCD Drama dept.
Poor, dear Anja. She came down with a migraine part way through the day. I went into my customary "low-alert" mode: ears pricked and eyes open in order to help ease any aggravating stimuli that might make things worse. This, of course, pretty much only entailed me with keeping the sun out of her face and being as gentle as possible. Having a mom who gets migrains has, I hope, tuned me in at least a little to that kind of stuff.
Turns out that her group didn't click very well with the rest of us. Anja was put in the awkward position of trying to at least reconcile her two charges, a feat which I heard later didn't turn out very well. In any case, she's feeling pretty crummy today, so after I do my few chores and homework I hope to be able to ease her.
To end on a nice note, she came back to our house (along with our other guests, though not the other two in Anja's crew) and we all cooked dinner. I won't go into too much detail of the short time we had with each other afterward, but it was so nice to be standing in each others arms, and feeling this sort of magic rise out each other by being on the same brainwave: listening to the above mentioned Celtic song and looking into each others eyes.
Reader, I worried earlier when getting to know Anja. I worried that I might not come to love her. I cared and still care for her very much, yet as I have discovered, there seems to be a fine line between loving and caring for someone. Maybe I'm still settling the differences between Passionate love and Companionate Love, as so nicely outlined by our Psych. Profs. But I tell you, Reader, whatever stoicism that has stilled my heart in the past is gradually dissolving. For once, I have hope.
But enough of my prattling. I'm sure you're anxious to be getting back to your life after such a lengthily post.
Enough, More Later.
- James
Friday, October 14, 2005
Attack in Prep
Currently in Earphones: "Ghosts Love Score" by Nightwish.
This is a prep attack for an inevitable Sunday post entailing the ensuing Renaissance Fair.
::plays the Song of Storms backwards::
This should be fun!
Oh, Reader: Her name is Anja. Dear, sweet, beautiful Anja. By her loving caresses do I let my hardened heart be softened. In her soft brown eyes do I lose myself, and within her loving embrace do I forget my troubles. Her name is Anja.
Enough, More Later.
- James
This is a prep attack for an inevitable Sunday post entailing the ensuing Renaissance Fair.
::plays the Song of Storms backwards::
This should be fun!
Oh, Reader: Her name is Anja. Dear, sweet, beautiful Anja. By her loving caresses do I let my hardened heart be softened. In her soft brown eyes do I lose myself, and within her loving embrace do I forget my troubles. Her name is Anja.
Enough, More Later.
- James
Monday, October 10, 2005
We're on a Roll
Currently in Earphones: "Summon the Worms" "Fear is the Mind Killer" and "The Jihad" from Children of Dune composed by Brian Tyler. Shawshank Redemption Soundtrack by Thomas Newman.
I suppose a new post is in order.
Finally got my class schedule worked out. Now I've got two awesome professors instead of two mediocre ones. A Prof. Benware for my Ling 1 and Prof. Runden for Latin 100N. Benware is way cool, and we are constantly exploring new languages to demonstrate different morphologies for the time being. I also found out from him why Eastern Indian dialects sound so odd to the English ear: they make use of a retroflex. To demonstrate: make the "tuh" sound like you're saying "to." Notice how the tip of your tongue touches the upper palate of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Practice saying "Ah-tah, Ah-tah" that you may get the sound in your ear. Now, instead of using the tip of the top of your tongue, curl the front of it and say "tah" with the underside of the tip. The "tah" should come from the area of your mouth closer to your throat, not from the upper front like a English "tah." It is the use of this retroflex that produces that kind of, say "chewy" (for the lack of a better adjective) dialect, at least to the English ear.
Prof. Runden is just a blast. I won't go into detail, just give you one of his off-the-cuff quotes that I had the foresight to write down: "Romans fall into [using] indirect statements like drunks fall into gutters." This is gonna be fun.
Reader, I must confess. There is a new woman in my life. I will not mention names or specifics, because I don't want to break any privacy and trust that we have. All I will say is that I am amazed that we click as well as we do, as well as the fact that she wants to see as much of me as I see of her.
Reader, a personal diversion, if I may...
The last few times I went out with women, through whatever reasons of their own, I was invariably not seeing as much of them as they wished to see of me. Both times I ended with the painful question of "Is it I that is wrong, is it I who is wanting too much? Am I such a horrible person for wanting to spend as much time with them as I do?" Both times I chalked it up as my failure, but this time, with this woman.....I am constantly amazed and delighted.
To continue, I spent last night with her until the wee hours of the morning, savoring every second of it. The price that I had to pay was one of time. I had an 8am class the next morning, and I paid it in full:
Today was absolutely crazy. I had classes all throughout the day, with breaks long enough for me to get bored and short enough that I couldn't go home. Drama 10 from 8am-10-am, Linguistics 1 from 11am-12pm, Latin 100N from 1pm-2pm, 2 hour break to go home for 15 minutes, Comp. Lit. Discussion from 4pm-5pm, run home for a 15 minute dinner, then over to Hickey Gym for Fencing from 6pm-9pm, in which I get the snot beaten out of me while learning valuable ways to stab people. Whoooo!
And now to go stumble into bed.
Enough. More Later.
- James
I suppose a new post is in order.
Finally got my class schedule worked out. Now I've got two awesome professors instead of two mediocre ones. A Prof. Benware for my Ling 1 and Prof. Runden for Latin 100N. Benware is way cool, and we are constantly exploring new languages to demonstrate different morphologies for the time being. I also found out from him why Eastern Indian dialects sound so odd to the English ear: they make use of a retroflex. To demonstrate: make the "tuh" sound like you're saying "to." Notice how the tip of your tongue touches the upper palate of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Practice saying "Ah-tah, Ah-tah" that you may get the sound in your ear. Now, instead of using the tip of the top of your tongue, curl the front of it and say "tah" with the underside of the tip. The "tah" should come from the area of your mouth closer to your throat, not from the upper front like a English "tah." It is the use of this retroflex that produces that kind of, say "chewy" (for the lack of a better adjective) dialect, at least to the English ear.
Prof. Runden is just a blast. I won't go into detail, just give you one of his off-the-cuff quotes that I had the foresight to write down: "Romans fall into [using] indirect statements like drunks fall into gutters." This is gonna be fun.
Reader, I must confess. There is a new woman in my life. I will not mention names or specifics, because I don't want to break any privacy and trust that we have. All I will say is that I am amazed that we click as well as we do, as well as the fact that she wants to see as much of me as I see of her.
Reader, a personal diversion, if I may...
The last few times I went out with women, through whatever reasons of their own, I was invariably not seeing as much of them as they wished to see of me. Both times I ended with the painful question of "Is it I that is wrong, is it I who is wanting too much? Am I such a horrible person for wanting to spend as much time with them as I do?" Both times I chalked it up as my failure, but this time, with this woman.....I am constantly amazed and delighted.
To continue, I spent last night with her until the wee hours of the morning, savoring every second of it. The price that I had to pay was one of time. I had an 8am class the next morning, and I paid it in full:
Today was absolutely crazy. I had classes all throughout the day, with breaks long enough for me to get bored and short enough that I couldn't go home. Drama 10 from 8am-10-am, Linguistics 1 from 11am-12pm, Latin 100N from 1pm-2pm, 2 hour break to go home for 15 minutes, Comp. Lit. Discussion from 4pm-5pm, run home for a 15 minute dinner, then over to Hickey Gym for Fencing from 6pm-9pm, in which I get the snot beaten out of me while learning valuable ways to stab people. Whoooo!
And now to go stumble into bed.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Additional Tidbit
Currently in Earphones: "Agnus Dei" from the Mass in G minor by Ralph Vaughn Williams.
As much as I detest ganking insipid online personality quizzes, I just had to put this next one up. The other two are just kinda neat.
The following silliness are all products of my own brain.
The new breakout band The Stoic Flapjack presents their new album, Spasmodic Mushroom! With such original hits as "The Sizzling Eagle," and "Carp Flap Fever," it's a must have for all you crazy indie folk! Includes bonus cover of "Hot Sex Madrigal in the Middle of my Tights."
New, from the James Brussles clothing and accesory line, comes....VEGGIE WEAR.
Because I'm a freak with pronounciation, you will now speak my Star Wars name as such..."YAM-air KAI-das." You are now my death commandoes, who shall spread my name and my teachings througout the galaxy! I WILL CONTROL THE SPI--...nevermind, wrong story.
And Now for something completely different....
Then just for the hell of it...
Righty, I won't do that again for a while.
Enough. More Later.
- James
As much as I detest ganking insipid online personality quizzes, I just had to put this next one up. The other two are just kinda neat.
James Pridham Keith's Aliases |
Your movie star name: Cheetoes Freeman |
Your fashion designer name is James Brussles |
Your socialite name is Jamie San Francisco |
Your fly girl / guy name is J Kei |
Your detective name is Lizard San Leandro |
Your barfly name is Oreos Wine |
Your soap opera name is Pridham Kenilworth |
Your rock star name is Chocolate Cheetah |
Your star wars name is Jammer Keidas |
Your punk rock band name is The Stoic Flapjack |
The following silliness are all products of my own brain.
The new breakout band The Stoic Flapjack presents their new album, Spasmodic Mushroom! With such original hits as "The Sizzling Eagle," and "Carp Flap Fever," it's a must have for all you crazy indie folk! Includes bonus cover of "Hot Sex Madrigal in the Middle of my Tights."
New, from the James Brussles clothing and accesory line, comes....VEGGIE WEAR.
Because I'm a freak with pronounciation, you will now speak my Star Wars name as such..."YAM-air KAI-das." You are now my death commandoes, who shall spread my name and my teachings througout the galaxy! I WILL CONTROL THE SPI--...nevermind, wrong story.
And Now for something completely different....
You Are A Weeping Willow Tree |
![]() You are a dreamer, and you're into almost any kind of escapism. Restless and capricious, you love to travel to exotic places. You are easily influenced by others, as long as they don't pressure you. You tend to suffer in love until you find that one loyal, steadfast partner. An empathetic friend, you love to make others smile and laugh. |
Then just for the hell of it...
Your Irish Name Is... |
![]() |
Righty, I won't do that again for a while.
Enough. More Later.
- James
Monday, October 03, 2005
Currently in Earphones: "I'm Not Driving Anymore" and "Drinking Song" by Rob Dougan.
"He that is jealous is not in love." - Saint Augustine of Hippo
If this is true, I'm screwed. Will I ever not feel hints jealousy at specters of old lovers in any girl I get intrested in? Effin'-A, they're intregral parts of any of our histories: those who have moved and loved us. While most of me realizes and understands this, a small part of me will always regret not being one who earned a place in her heart. Whenever a potential lady tells me of a sliver of her past: one who wrote her a heartfelt poem, or sung her a crooning melody, a part of me says (while the stars fill her eyes) "Damnit! *I* wanted to do that!"
Enough. More Later.
- James
"He that is jealous is not in love." - Saint Augustine of Hippo
If this is true, I'm screwed. Will I ever not feel hints jealousy at specters of old lovers in any girl I get intrested in? Effin'-A, they're intregral parts of any of our histories: those who have moved and loved us. While most of me realizes and understands this, a small part of me will always regret not being one who earned a place in her heart. Whenever a potential lady tells me of a sliver of her past: one who wrote her a heartfelt poem, or sung her a crooning melody, a part of me says (while the stars fill her eyes) "Damnit! *I* wanted to do that!"
Enough. More Later.
- James
Saturday, October 01, 2005
No, I'm not dead....
Currently in Earphones: "Children of Dune" soundtrack by Brian Tyler.
I'm still here! Fully moved in at Davis and beginning classes.
Wow, I sure lucked out with choosing housemates. They're all fencing buddies and great people to hang with. We've got the place clean as a whistle in order to dispell that nasty idea that all boy's places are unclean and smelly. We've had a few old-fashioned, friend-filled, parlor-games-included dinner parties, and boy were they fun! We're now making it a policy (especially for people of the female persuasion) that our door is always open and ourselves always willing to make good food should they feel like dropping by. I think we're off to a good start of a (hopefully) good year.
Classes are good so far. Linguistics 1 looks to be a usual tromp through introductory territory. My new Latin professor looks competent, if rather eccentric (in addition, we've got a female brit in the class with a lovely cockney accent, transfer student I imagine, and seemingly more knowledgeable about Latin than the rest of us). I immediately liked our Professor for Comp Lit 6. I was sitting down in lecture, right after a Bio Sci class, and there were some notes and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and whatnot on the chalkboard. In walks this somewhat bedraggled prof wearing a greasy T-shirt with a dress-coat thrown over it. He walks briskly up to the chalkboard, whips up a piece of chalk, quickly scrawls "B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T" across the notes and circles it, then turns laughing to the other professor and embraces him. I immediately thought "I'm gonna like this guy!"
I haven't had my Intro to Acting class yet, but I hope the 8am call is worth it.
We had a great dinner party last night that went well into the wee hours of the morning. I'd write more, but I really need my sleep.
Enough. More Later.
- James
I'm still here! Fully moved in at Davis and beginning classes.
Wow, I sure lucked out with choosing housemates. They're all fencing buddies and great people to hang with. We've got the place clean as a whistle in order to dispell that nasty idea that all boy's places are unclean and smelly. We've had a few old-fashioned, friend-filled, parlor-games-included dinner parties, and boy were they fun! We're now making it a policy (especially for people of the female persuasion) that our door is always open and ourselves always willing to make good food should they feel like dropping by. I think we're off to a good start of a (hopefully) good year.
Classes are good so far. Linguistics 1 looks to be a usual tromp through introductory territory. My new Latin professor looks competent, if rather eccentric (in addition, we've got a female brit in the class with a lovely cockney accent, transfer student I imagine, and seemingly more knowledgeable about Latin than the rest of us). I immediately liked our Professor for Comp Lit 6. I was sitting down in lecture, right after a Bio Sci class, and there were some notes and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and whatnot on the chalkboard. In walks this somewhat bedraggled prof wearing a greasy T-shirt with a dress-coat thrown over it. He walks briskly up to the chalkboard, whips up a piece of chalk, quickly scrawls "B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T" across the notes and circles it, then turns laughing to the other professor and embraces him. I immediately thought "I'm gonna like this guy!"
I haven't had my Intro to Acting class yet, but I hope the 8am call is worth it.
We had a great dinner party last night that went well into the wee hours of the morning. I'd write more, but I really need my sleep.
Enough. More Later.
- James
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