Saturday, October 01, 2005

No, I'm not dead....

Currently in Earphones: "Children of Dune" soundtrack by Brian Tyler.

I'm still here! Fully moved in at Davis and beginning classes.

Wow, I sure lucked out with choosing housemates. They're all fencing buddies and great people to hang with. We've got the place clean as a whistle in order to dispell that nasty idea that all boy's places are unclean and smelly. We've had a few old-fashioned, friend-filled, parlor-games-included dinner parties, and boy were they fun! We're now making it a policy (especially for people of the female persuasion) that our door is always open and ourselves always willing to make good food should they feel like dropping by. I think we're off to a good start of a (hopefully) good year.

Classes are good so far. Linguistics 1 looks to be a usual tromp through introductory territory. My new Latin professor looks competent, if rather eccentric (in addition, we've got a female brit in the class with a lovely cockney accent, transfer student I imagine, and seemingly more knowledgeable about Latin than the rest of us). I immediately liked our Professor for Comp Lit 6. I was sitting down in lecture, right after a Bio Sci class, and there were some notes and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and whatnot on the chalkboard. In walks this somewhat bedraggled prof wearing a greasy T-shirt with a dress-coat thrown over it. He walks briskly up to the chalkboard, whips up a piece of chalk, quickly scrawls "B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T" across the notes and circles it, then turns laughing to the other professor and embraces him. I immediately thought "I'm gonna like this guy!"

I haven't had my Intro to Acting class yet, but I hope the 8am call is worth it.

We had a great dinner party last night that went well into the wee hours of the morning. I'd write more, but I really need my sleep.

Enough. More Later.
- James

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