Monday, October 03, 2005


Currently in Earphones: "I'm Not Driving Anymore" and "Drinking Song" by Rob Dougan.

"He that is jealous is not in love." - Saint Augustine of Hippo

If this is true, I'm screwed. Will I ever not feel hints jealousy at specters of old lovers in any girl I get intrested in? Effin'-A, they're intregral parts of any of our histories: those who have moved and loved us. While most of me realizes and understands this, a small part of me will always regret not being one who earned a place in her heart. Whenever a potential lady tells me of a sliver of her past: one who wrote her a heartfelt poem, or sung her a crooning melody, a part of me says (while the stars fill her eyes) "Damnit! *I* wanted to do that!"

Enough. More Later.
- James

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