Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A pair of ragged claws...

Currently in Earphones "Main Theme" from The Ususal Suspects Soundtrack by John Ottman (on endless repeat)

"Me miserum! certas habuit puer ille saggitas. / uror, et in vacuo pectore regnat Amor."
- Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid), Amores 1.1, lines 25-26

"Miserable me! That boy has precise arrows. / I burn, and love reigns in my empty heart."

While Ovid wasn't considered the most honest poet about love (seeing that his Amores are highly sarcastic and his Ars Amatoria are essentially a guide to getting laid), I find pieces of his poems fitting out of context.

In the above mentioned, he very wittily writes about how he was going to write an epic poem, but Cupid came down and took a metric foot away from the second line of his couplets, transforming the poem from a Heroic dactylic hexameter to a Lyric construction.

"Damn you, Cupid!" he says, essentially, "Now I'm in love but with no-one to be in love with!"

I feel his pain on a Catullus-like level.

Enough, More Later.
- James

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